Pixiedust0717 Here's your request. Sorry it's taken forever and the smuts probably not good but I tried, that gets me brownie points, right?
"Isaac let's go!" I yelled getting into the car. I watched him skip over and climb in. "Another robbery."
"Is it the same guy?"
"I'd imagine so, Beacon Hills isn't that big of a town." I turned on the sirens. "There's not normally that many robbery's."
Isaac snorted, "No, just a bunch of other fucked up shit." He adjusted how he was sitting. "Do you have any idea who it is?"
I shook my head, "no."
The air being forced in and out of my lungs was loud in my ears as I ran after him. He was in all black, hood up, he even had a mask. I didn't want to shoot the guy, I mean he never hurt anyone when he robbed places but he was still running from the police. I followed as he turned down an ally, tripping over something he gave me enough time to grab his arm as he balanced himself out again.
"Don't make this harder on yourself." I said, "Drop the bag, hands behind your back."
He didn't fight, he dropped the bag and settled his hand behind him. I cuffed him and restated his rights like I've done to so many people. I pulled off his mask seeing a familiar tuff of brown hair placed on his head, his head was still down and I could hear him crying.
"I'm sorry." He muttered, quietly, looking up at me.
His laughter filled my ears as I walked into the loft, he was with Isaac. He'd spent the night at my place and I thought he would've left before I returned home from work since I had to leave so early.
"Derek!" He squealed.
I allowed him to hug me, returning it. "Hey, I thought you would've left already."
"I was going to but then Isaac showed up and we just kind of got carried away."
"That's okay." I said pecking his lips.
"Guess what!" He said bouncing on the balls of his feet as I took off my belt.
I raised my eyebrows toward him, "You forgot your Adderall today?"
"No," He rolled his eyes, "I got into Yale! A-And Isaac's gonna work with you! My dad got it all set up and everything!"
I looked at Isaac to see him smiling and nodding. "That's amazing! I'm proud of you both." I hugged Stiles again, Isaac joining in a second later.
"Stiles?" I asked. He looked away from me tears streaming down his face. "What the hell are you doing!?"
"I-It's a long story. It's stupid but I had to...Derek, I didn't know what else to do."
I rubbed my hand across my face and uncuffed him.
"What're you doing?"
"Go. We're talking about this later." I snapped.
He shook his head, "You could lose your job."
"Stiles! Go!"
He let out a shaky breathe. "The loft?"
"The loft."

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: