July 28 5:36p.m.
To: Der
Babe, if you're busy tonight we can reschedule.From: Der
Stiles, don't worry about it. I already cancelled. I'll be there to get you in 45 min.To: Der
Why would you cancel!?From: Der
Priorities.August 1 2:13p.m.
To: Der
What you doing?From: Der
Waiting for you to get out of school so I can give you head.To: Der
Don't make me horny I'm in class.From: Der
I'm guna make you beg. I'll fuck you until you can't feel your legs and whisper in your ear to cum for me while you dig your nails into my back.To: Der
What part of "don't make me horny" did you not understand?From: Der
And tomorrow I'll hold your hand and kiss your cheek when everyone is looking. I'll treat you like a princess, like my princess.August 26 11:38a.m.
To: Der
I just don't understand why Scott's so pissed. I didn't even do anything. I told him 3 weeks ago that I couldn't go to his stupid party.I know it probably doesn't seem like a big deal to you. I'm sorry for venting.
From: Der
Its a big deal to you so it's a big deal to me.September 8 1:34p.m.
From: Der
GorgeousTo: Der
What do you want?From: Der
You.I'm on my way over. You want pizza?
To: Der
Of coarse I want pizza.September 8 2:13p.m.
To: Der
Can we eat pizza naked?From: Der
Can I grab your ass?To: Der
I'd be upset if you didn't.From: Der
Then yes.September 20 11:25p.m.
To: Der
I'm going to bed. I love you Derbear.From: Der
Wait, can I call you to tell you I love you and goodnight? I wanna hear your voice before I go to bed.September 27 3:46p.m.
From: Der
Hey babyTo: Der
Mad at you rnFrom: Der
What, why?To: Der
Because you made me fall madly in love with you.From: Der
I love you and your face and your hair and your hands and your ass and your smile and your eyes and your lips and every other part of you.To: Der
Oh lord.From: Der
You're incredible.You're like..
I don't even know.
I lack the vocabulary to describe you.
To: Der
How are you not sick of me?From: Der
Because you're my future.October 19 10:28a.m.
From: Der
I'd kiss you and kiss you, pulling you in tighter with every moan, every gasp of air, then I'd rip off your shirt and kiss you again, with wayyy more tongue.To: Der
I'm going to moan your name so loudFrom: Der
Good. I love hearing my name come out of that pretty little mouth of yours.To: Der
You're perfect. Fuck. You make my dick so hard.From: Der
Just thinking about going down on you, making you really hot, you pushing my head into you, making your eyes roll and your toes curl. God I crave that.October 30 8:19p.m.
To: Der
Okay then, what's the happiest moment of your life?From: Der
When you kissed me back.To: Der
But I'm a fucking loserFrom: Der
Then what am I?To: Der
You're mine.November 3 4:52p.m.
From: Der
Hey, so you laughed earlier and it was a real laugh. Not one of those fake laughs you do lately. And when you turned your head and smiled more and laughed again...holy fuck, it was the cutest thing ever.To: Der
I fucking love you.From: Der
I love you too, gorgeous.December 24 10:13p.m.
To: Der
I wish you weren't stuck in New York.From: Der
I know. This damn blizzard needs to stop ASAP.To: Der
My ass misses your hands.From: Der
My hands miss your ass.To: Der
This is why I love youFrom: Der
I fall more in love with you every day.So, something quick and short since I don't know when I'll actually be able to update.

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: