A/N: Hey guys! I'm not dead! Sorry I haven't update in literally forever. I've been so busy that I literally have no time to write. I have school, work, and internship, cheer (which just ended), and I might have a sort of boyfriend guy thing in my life right now so things are just really busy. I've been trying to finish "Waiting On Postcards" but it's taking me forever and I felt bad for not updating so I wrote this real quick. Also, I'm getting a hamster soon and I need some name suggestions so if you have any let me know. I'm thinking Hamlet or Hamilton right now but idk
This is literally what the title says. It's like my sterek texts in the past except the pack is reacting to them so there's more of a plot line mixed in.
"Stiles!" Derek called from his room. The boy rolled his eyes tossing his phone on the couch where he was just sitting as he got up.
"Der, we don't have time for this." He muttered walking toward the alpha's room.
The couple were going on a date for their anniversary. They only really celebrated the big ones, six months, a year, two years. Stiles still liked getting dinner for the one's in between and he wanted to go to his favorite restaurant so Derek made a reservation for them. Two years and three months now. The pack still can't believe that out of everyone those two ended up together.
"We'll be home whenever." Stiles said, Derek following him toward the door as he pulled on his jacket.
"Don't destroy my house." The other glared at his pack.
Scott rolled his eyes, "we would never do such a thing." Derek scoffed, holding the door opening for Stiles as the younger laughed and called out a "bye" to everyone.
It was about ten minutes after the two left that Isaac found a phone on the couch, he picked it up. "Who's phone is this?" he asked getting a couple shrugs from his packmates. He pressed the home button seeing a picture of Stiles and Derek, Stiles was pushing their cheeks together, the cheesiest smile on his face, Derek looked like he hated taking that picture. Isaac laughed, "It's Stiles'."
"OOO gimmie." Lydia said waving her hand toward the boy.
Isaac handed it to her. "Why?"
"I'm gonna look through it? Duh?"
"See what cheesy shit Derek says to him. He tells me sometimes, it's funny." Scott said groaning when Jackson killed his character on the TV screen.
Lydia opened up the messages clicking on Derek's name. "Awh guys listen to this, I wanna throw up."
To: Bear <3
Daawwhhh. I'm only the best because you're the best. I love you to infinity!! <3 <3 ;*From: Bear <3
oh whatever you're the best because you're just the best. I love you to infinity and beyond baby <3 ;)To: Bear <3
AWH BOO BOO ;* <3 you're better! I love you to death ;)From: Bear <3
I love you to death and back :)The pack laughed, some of the guys gagging. "I hate that he's all gushy."
"Who? Stiles is always gross." Scott asked.
Jackson shook his head, "Not Stilinski, Derek."
"Yeah, it's weird..."
"Read more." Erica said poking Lydia with her foot.
To: Bear <3
I luubbb youuFrom: Bear <3
Olive you too :)

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: