Let me know what you guys think of this!!
Derek was tired. He couldn't sleep. Maybe because his mind won't shut off and his subconscious is too afraid to relive all of those horrible moments again and again. Maybe because he's had been contemplating getting a ring but isn't sure if Stiles is at that point yet. Maybe because after three years he finally has to introduce his pack to his daughter and his daughter is going to have to start learning about the supernatural world (and yes that thought alone is terrifying to him).
All he knows is that he can see the sun slowly starting to rise through his window. His head is pounding, his eyes hurt, and his whole body is just totally exhausted. He can't sleep.
He thinks about his daughter more. He isn't sure how he's going to handle this. The past three years he's had her for just weekends. It's what they agreed on. And now he's gonna have her all the time. He loves that but he doesn't quite love the circumstances around it. He was woken up very early one morning to a social worker at his door and his daughter in the stranger's arms. Her mother was found doing drugs after someone called cps on her. So now, she's with Derek. And that's something he's not sure he can make her understand.
After hours and hours of tossing and turning Derek finally fell asleep. It was only for about an hour before there was little feet tapping across the floor and the bed shifted. Soon the little girl was poking Derek in the cheek repeatedly.
"What do you want, bug?" Derek said pulling the little girl next to him, no heat behind any of his words.
"Wanna hear about the stories in my eyes?" She asked, cuddling into him.
He wanted to be annoyed that she woke him up. He wanted to be grumpy and bitter and complain to his boyfriend later about how fucking tired he is but he can't. He can't be mad because that was the cutest thing she had ever said to him. She wanted to tell him all about her dreams. And she did. And he hasn't ever listened so intently to anyone for any reason until this moment.
Stiles walked in later that morning. It was about ten-thirty and class was let out early so he figured he'd come over. When he walked inside he saw Derek with paper scattered across the table, head on his arms, sleeping.
He took off his shoes and tossed his bag down waving back at the little girl who was playing with her toys in front of the TV.
"Der." Stiles said softly, rubbing the wolf's back. "Babe, wake up."
Derek's eyes fluttered open, it only taking a second before he realized he fell asleep and panic coursing through his body as he turned around to see his daughter in the same spot he left her.
"She's fine. Go take a nap." Stiles said, using his sleeve to wipe away the drool on Derek's mouth.
He scrunched his nose up, yawning, "Wake time is it?"
"Almost eleven." Derek watched Stiles straightening up the papers across the table.
"I gotta make her lunch."
"No, you need to go lay down."
Derek shook his head, getting up to head toward the kitchen. Stiles stepped in front of him, placing his hand on the others chest, "Babe, I'll make lunch and put her down for her nap."
"She's my daughter."
"She's mine too asshole." Derek snorted. "I've known her for two years. I can handle lunch. Go."
"You sure?"
Stiles nodded, pushing up on his toes a bit to kiss Derek, "And later you can tell me what's bugging you so much that you couldn't sleep."
Derek just sighed, resting his forehead on Stiles' "I love you."
"I love you too, Bear."
The next time Derek woke up it was with his daughter and his boyfriend lying next to him in bed. The TV in his room was playing SpongeBob and Stiles was listening to the little girl talk.
"I told daddy about the stories in my eyes." She looked up at him, poking her own eye.
"The stories in your eyes?" Stiles smiled, "Did daddy tell you what those are called?" She shook her head. "They're called dreams."
"Oh," She said moving to sit on Stiles' lap, "You wanna hear about my dreams, Papa?"
"I would love that, Bug."
I pictured Derek's daughter being name Alayah in this but idk I didn't use her name once lol
I've been getting a few requests and I'll get them up soon I just saw this thing on twitter about a kid waking up their dad because they wanted to tell him about "the stories in their eyes" and I needed to make a daddy Derek fic out of it.

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: