I Can't Sleep Without My Pillow (Part 2)

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It was requested I make a part two by @krazyhot, so here it is. Sorry it took so long.

"Stiles!" Scott yelled happily running down the hallway at school.

Stiles rubbed his eyes and yawned as he opened his locker.

"Stiles." Scott said again, his smile burning into the other. "Are you coming tonight?"

"Sit at home by myself or antagonize the pack? What do you think?" He replied as Scott's smile faltered.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?" Stiles asked closing his locker and facing the other.

"You look exhausted, bro. Did you get any sleep last night?"

"Um...maybe an hour or two. It's not a big deal."  He turned to start walking toward class.

"But, you were at home. You had your pillow."

Stiles sighed. "My 'pillow' though, is in New York and my anxiety has gotten worse."

"So you're scared."

"Just a tad more than normal." He said forcing a laugh. "It's not a big deal."

Scott sighed dropping the topic.


The pack sat around the rest of the night playing games and watching movies. Stiles yawned looking around Derek's place. It just didn't feel right not having Derek here.

"Stiles!" Lydia laughed.

"What?" He rubbed his eyes trying to wake up.

"When's Derek get back?"

Stiles shrugged. "I'm gonna try to get some sleep." He said his voice barely audible.

Scott gave him a small smile as he walked into Derek's room.

"Derek, come home." Stiles whined into the pillow he was hugging. Sleeping in Derek's bed is the only way he had been getting sleep but he still was only running on a few hours at a time.


Derek POV

I got off the plane yawning as Cora went on and on about how Peter ruined the trip.

"Cora, we were there on business."

"You were there on business. I was there to spend your money." She said slapping me on the chest. "Wake up."

"I'm tired." I rolled my eyes.

"You're driving home. Wake up." She snapped walking ahead of me to get out of the airport.


Walking inside I saw the pack sitting in my living room. All but Stiles. They smiled and waved at me before I walked into my room.

Stiles was laying on my bed with a pillow covering his face. He groaned rolling to his stomach. I set my bag down and climbed over to him wrapping my arms around him.

"Oh my god, Derek." He turned toward me. "I'm so tired." He yawned hugging me.

"Me too." I said softly.

"I missed you." He whispered.

"I missed you, too."


"Der, get up." I felt Stiles kiss me.


"We're going out to dinner. Scott just woke me up. Come on." He yawned.

I groaned pulling him back so he was laying on me again. "I want to sleep."

"Me too. But I'm hungry." He sat up again.

Sighing I sat up. "Fine."


Scott POV

The restaurant was packed so by the time we got seated Derek and Stiles were asleep again.

I laughed shaking the two. "You can sleep after we order." I said getting a glare from Derek as Stiles pulled him up.

We were given a booth to fit all of us. Derek slid all the way to the inside leaning against the wall, Stiles squished next to him, and I was next to Stiles.

"I want curly fries." Stiles said sharing a menu with Derek.

"Shocker." I elbowed him.

"Shut up." He laughed.

After we ordered Stiles and Derek cuddled up together falling back asleep.

I heard Isaac and Cora laugh before Cora started throwing the rolls the waitress had given us at her brother.

Derek caught one stopping it before it hit Stiles and set in on the table. "Cora, stop." He growled eyes still closed.

She smirked throwing another one. This time Derek chucked it back.

"Both of you grow up." Stiles whined sitting up.

Isaac laughed tossing one at me. I rolled my eyes tossing it back.


"You guys want to watch a movie?" I asked Stiles and Derek who were curled up half asleep on the couch.

Stiles nodded against Derek's chest.

"Why are you guys so tired?" Isaac asked curling up next to the two.

Cora laughed "Derek didn't sleep at all while we were in New York."

"What? Why?" Stiles asked sitting up and looking at Derek.

"He kept complaining about missing you." She snorted. "The 'sheets didn't smell like Stiles' or how he couldn't cuddle with you."

"Idiot." Stiles laughed kissing the other.

"Well, what about you?" Isaac asked Stiles as Derek got more comfortable.

"I told you, I can't sleep without my pillow."

"Wait, that was for real? I thought you were just trying to be cute."

Stiles and I laughed. "He was completely serious." I said.

"I take my pillow everywhere with me. But, now, Derek's my pillow so I need both him and my pillow." Stiles said.

"That's kinda needy." Jackson said.

"Not my fault. Sourwolf claimed me. He did this." Stiles kissed Derek's jaw making the other hum.

"He claimed you!" Stiles nodded. "And you didn't tell me!?"

"Scott, shut up." Derek yawned.

I rolled my eyes finally playing the movie.

"So, Stiles isn't the only on who can't sleep without his pillow now?" I asked.

"I can sleep just fine without my pillow." Derek answered. "I just can't sleep without my Stiles."

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