So, this is part two of 'I Won't Give Up' as requested. I hope its good. Thanks to everyone who still reads these. It means a lot. emolover34 I will get your request up as soon as I can!! :)
Stiles POV
I've never been more happy with a decision I have made ever in my entire life. Moving to New York with Derek has brought nothing but good things. I mean, Derek gets to see Cora all the time, we found an amazing apartment near Times Square, Derek got a job as an editor-which takes a lot out of him but I know deep down he loves it-I'm a stay at home mom, dad? Whatever you want to call me. Adeline is almost 2 years old now. It's hard to think that we've been here for a year, watched our baby grow, had a son, Oliver, who is one now. He prefers Derek over me despite Derek's protests. Adeline prefers me though so it evens itself out.
I just couldn't be happier. I figured I'd be upset after being here awhile. Leaving my dad, Scott, Melissa, the pack. But no, I'm not. And not once since we have been here has any of them-other than my father-contacted us.
Derek walked out kissing me on the cheek as I made breakfast for my little family. "Good morning gorgeous." He said. He kissed Adeline on the head. "Morning Princess" He smiled as she responded "Mornin' Daddy!" and shoved pancakes into her mouth. I handed Derek a plate right before I heard Oliver cry through the monitor. "You want me to..?" I cut him off. " I got him Der. Eat, you have to go to work." I smiled walking into our son's room.
Derek left for work shortly after and thankfully neither Oliver or Adeline made a fuss about it. On several occasions I've had to distract them so he could leave and then bribe them so they would get over the fact that he wouldn't be home until dinner.
I had gotten Oliver to fall asleep and Adeline was planted in front of the TV as 'The Little Einsteins' marathon played all morning. I was just about to start making lunch when there was a knock on the front door. I looked through the peek hole shocked at who I saw.
"Scott. Isaac." I said coldly as I opened the door. "Hey Stiles. Can we come in?" Scott asked. I moved letting them in and shutting the door behind them. "Aren't you a little old for cartoons?" Scott laughed as the theme song played for the millionth time. "Maybe, but my kids aren't." I walked into the kitchen knowing they were on my heels. "Kids?" Isaac finally spoke up. "Yeah. Kids." I pulled out a box of mac-and-cheese to make for Adeline. "Where's Derek?" Isaac's next question. "At work. Like a normal adult. Why are you guys here?" I snapped. "We want you and Derek to come back to Beacon Hills. Be in the pack again." Scott said. I laughed. That's cute Scott. I needed a good laugh. "I'm serious. Why the hell are you guys here. It's been over two years." I said. "He's not joking Stiles. The whole pack discussed it, we miss you guys. We were stupid to not except you two. We realized how perfect you are for each other. We want our alpha's back." Isaac said truthfully. "I don't know how Derek's going to take that but I will never go back to Beacon Hills. My life is here now and I'm happier than I've ever been." I told them. "Just think about it." Scott argued. "Okay." I waited a few moments "Hell no." I replied feeling Adeline cling to my leg. I picked her up turning my attention toward the stove and allowing her to finish her lunch in the living room.
Derek got home around 5pm. I hadn't told him that Scott and Isaac showed up. He walked right over to me kissing me and pulling Oliver from my arms who had been making grabby hands toward the wolf since they made eye contact. "Hi Ollie!!" Derek said cheerfully. "Now why the hell are you two here?" Derek turned around giving the other wolves his familiar Hale glare.
Derek laughed as they explained the same story to him as they did to me. "That's never going to happen now get the hell out of my house." He snapped. "Dad come on!" Isaac whined "I'm not your dad Isaac." He said. I knew that out of everyone it hurt most when Isaac didn't accept us. Derek looked as Isaac like a son and Isaac looked at the alpha like his father. "Derek.." Isaac's voice cracked. Derek walked into the living room sitting down with Adeline ignoring anything that came out of Isaac or Scott's mouth for the rest of the night.
I told the two that they could stay the night against Derek's protests. We put our kids to bed and Derek stormed into our room. I sighed locking the front door, saying "goodnight" to Scott and Isaac, and following Derek's footsteps.
"You know, I don't think their goal was to piss you off." I said walking in. "Yeah, well they did." Derek pulled off his shirt. I wrapped my arms around him clutching onto his back. "I can tell. Please relax." I asked. I hate when Derek is in a bad mood. I know he'd rather relax after work and this is definitely not what he would want to be dumped onto his plate. "I'm sorry." He sighed pushing his face into my neck. "I just want you to be happy. I hate seeing you upset." I said softly. "I am happy babe. I have you, and our children. A great job, an amazing family to come home to everyday. I don't want to rewind and go back to the past. I wasn't nearly as happy then as I am now." He said pulling me into a kiss. "I love you so much." I mumbled. "I love you too."
"Guys," Derek started the next morning. Adeline was sitting at the table eating her breakfast and I was leaned up against the counter feeding Oliver. "We appreciate you coming all the way here. But we're not going back." Derek told them in the nicest way he possibly could. "Please, Derek, don't do this." Isaac begged. Derek turned around to face me. I knew seeing Isaac upset broke his heart even though Isaac was one of the people who tried to sabotage our relationship. "It's a little too late guys. You both need to leave. Now." He said sternly. "Derek please!" Scott started. "No Scott! Leave! Now!!" Derek roared making Me, Adeline, and Oliver jump. Isaac and Scott didn't object this time and left without another word.
"I'm not giving up my happiness for theirs. I'm sorry." Derek said to me. "I never asked you too." I kissed him "I want this, here, in New York. Not the drama of Beacon Hills." I added. He nodded "Good, cause I'm never giving this up."

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: