Pay Attention To Me

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tiannahxrondale I literally was so excited to write this so I hope you like it. I will get your other requests up along with everyone else's as soon as I can. 

Stiles POV

Fucking Derek. Making me drive to his fucking house in the goddamn thunderstorm. Fucking asshole. The packs going to leave and he's going to make me stay even though I have to get up early tomorrow because the big bad wolf hates thunder. Fuck you Derek, fuck your stupid fears, and fuck this damn meeting.

I want to sleep.

I walked into the house drenched because even the short walk from my car to the door was like walking a mile in the rain. I shot a glare to the alpha walking to his room and changing. When I came back down he whined at me with these huge puppy dog eyes. "You're a fucking pain." I groaned walking over to him pressing a soft kiss to his chapped lips. "Buy some fucking chapstick." I snapped walking into the kitchen. Isaac and Scott burst into laughter. "You pissed him right the fuck off." I heard Scott. "Yeah, he did. I should be fucking sleeping right now. But no, I'm here. It's not like I have to be up at 5am or anything, to have a superfanfuckingtastic day at the hospital. No, it's just midnight, the sky is pissing, Derek's afraid of fucking thunder, and I should be sleeping!" I snapped sitting on the couch. Derek whined again. "Why are you going to the hospital?" Lydia asked. "Just stupid tests like always. Gotta make sure I don't die like my mother. Because forcing me to get there at 5 in the fucking morning is really going stop my body from being infested with a terminal illness. Oh, and don't forget that they spread all the tests out long enough for me to want to die, but close enough where if I left, I'd have to turn right back around for my next one." I said closing my eyes. I felt the couch dip next to me. "I'm sorry." Derek said softly. "Just finish this stupid thing so I can sleep." I groaned.

Halfway through the meeting Scott interrupted Derek. "Do you hear that?" He asked. "hear what?" I said trying to wake myself up, again. "There's something scratching at the door." Isaac said. I got up walking to the door and opening it. "OH MY GOD!" I cooed picking up a tiny brown kitten that was soaking wet from the rain. I brought it to the living room. "Look at the poor little thing." I said. "Derek go get a towel." I said looking at him. He looked annoyed but did as I said. He handed me the towel as the rest of the pack crowded around. I started to dry the little thing off when I said "I'm guna call him Pinecone." I smiled as Isaac went to pet it. "Okay, first, why the hell would you name it that? And second, it's not staying." Derek snapped. "YOU MADE ME DRIVE HERE IN THE FUCKING RAIN AND STAY UP ALL FUCKING NIGHT I'M KEEPING THIS CUTE LITTLE KITTEN AND YOU CAN FUCK OFF." I snapped. "And I'm naming it that simply because, FUCK YOU."

Derek POV

I gave up trying to finish the meeting. Stiles hasn't said a word to me since he yelled at me. He's like the moodiest person ever when he's tired. Most of the pack had fallen asleep, Isaac, Scott, and Stiles were still awake playing with the cat. "Stiles" I called getting ignored. I groaned hearing him laugh with the other two. I jumped as the thunder cracked seeing Stiles look up at me for a brief moment before returning his attention to the cat. "Stiles" I whined. I don't even care if the pack is here. I want to sleep. I want Stiles. I whimpered when he didn't answer me again. Scott looked at me and back at Stiles hitting the other. Stiles ignored Scott picking up the kitten and holding it to his chest. "Stiles." I growled. "Isn't Pinecone adorable?" He said to the two beta's who nodded in agreement. I growled storming up to my room. "Seriously? He's such a baby." I heard Stiles before he followed me upstairs.

"What's your problem?" Stiles asked walking into my room. I pulled off my shirt. "Oh, I don't know maybe the fact that since you got here you've either ignored me or blown up on me?" I said not looking at him. "You made me come here in the worst storm we've had in months and I'm exhausted." He snapped back. "As soon as that damn cat showed up you seemed perfectly fine!" I yelled back. "Are you seriously jealous of a fucking kitten!?" He laughed harshly. "Maybe if my boyfriend would pay attention to me I wouldn't have to be." I said sitting on the edge of my bed. "You act like I haven't said a word to you or even acknowledged your existence or something." I looked up at him. "Are you serious right now?" I asked. "You kissed me once, and you didn't seem to thrilled about it, every time I would try to talk to you, you blow up, I can't even sit next to you right now with feeling the hate radiate from you." I said. "Is it really that bad that I wanted you to pay attention to me, that I miss you and wanted to see you? Was asking you to come over really that bad?" He didn't answer. I shook my head. "Fine, I won't bother you anymore." I said climbing into bed.

"Der," He tried. "No." I snapped. A soft 'meow' was heard making Stiles laughed. "Even Pinecone doesn't like you being upset." He said. I turned seeing him pick up the cat that managed to stumble his way up here. He came over setting the cat on the bed. "I'm sorry." He said sitting next to me. "I'm just tired. I can't even remember the last time I got a full nights sleep and you woke me up the first time I was actually able to fall asleep on the one night I asked you not too." He said sadly. "And you know I wouldn't have called if it wasn't important." I replied. He nodded "I'm sorry." he said again laughing as the kitten curled up next to me. I handed it back to Stiles. "It's okay." I mumbled. He sighed laying next to me. "What time is it?" he asked. "Like 3 I think." I mumbled pulling him closer to me. He groaned turning to kiss me. "Drive me to the hospital in 2 hours." He demanded. "Wake me up." I replied. He laughed as I jumped at another crack of thunder. "Fuck, I thought it was over." I groaned. "I love you." He said softly kissing me again. "I love you too." I replied feeling the cat start to lick my hand. "Yeah, yeah, I love you too Pinecone." I muttered hearing the cat meow and finally settle next to Stiles and I. "Seriously though, get some chapstick." Stiles muttered into my chest. "It's like kissing sandpaper."

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