This one is for toonsgeek you're fabulous. Thank you for the idea and I hope it is good. I tried my best.
Derek POV
"Derek!" Stiles called walking into the loft. "hi" I smiled walking over to him. "Hi" he smiles back. I pulled him in for a kiss feeling him start to smile. "I love you so much" I said softly. "I know" he responded. "I love you, Derek."
Stiles and I have been together for nearly 3 years. We got together just before his sophomore year of high school and in the next month he will be starting his senior year. We haven't told the pack about us yet, Stiles wasn't sure he wanted to mainly because of the age difference. His dad is really protective, more so since his mother, Claudia, passed. Scott, his best friend and my beta would never approve of our relationship because I'm "a bad seed" or something.
When Stiles asked if we could keep our relationship a secret from everyone including the pack, I was concerned. "Why? Did I do something?" I asked. He shook his head. "oh my god, no, Der you're perfect!" he shouted hugging me. "I just think it'd be easier then dealing with all the shit from them and if we break up they won't take sides, you'll still have your pack even if you don't have me." He said sadly. "Stiles, you're mine forever remember?" I told him. He nodded "I know."
So here we are, still managing to convince everyone we aren't together.
"what do you want to do tonight?" I asked him. " Can we go get dinner?" he asked. "you know we have to go the next town over to do that." I said as a reminder. "I know, but..we haven't gone out in forever." He said. "Okay, we can go." I said making him smile.
I took him to this nice restaurant the next town over. He was so excited. He was right, we haven't had a night out together in months. I was really slacking on the whole 'romance' side of our relationship. But, tonight, Hopefully I can try to fix that.
I parked the car getting out and opening the door for him. "thanks Der" he smiled. I grabbed his hand intertwining our fingers and leading him inside.
"do you know what you want?" I asked him. "I'm not sure. Der, this place is super expensive are you sure you want to eat here?" He asked. I nodded "I'm sure. And get whatever you want, even if it's the most expensive thing on the menu." He smiled "so if I get the five dollar soup you'll be disappointed?" he joked. "the soup is ten dollars" I smirked making him roll his eyes. "you're a loser" he laughed lightly. "and you're adorable" I responded watching his face turn red. I love that after all this time I can still make him blush.
"Derek." Stiles said in the middle of dinner. I looked up at him "I love this. I love you. Can we share dessert?" I laughed. "Of coarse, darling."
That night Stiles told his dad he was staying at Scott's so he could spend the night with me. "so what do you want to do?" He asked after hanging up the phone. "I have an idea." I smirked attaching my lips to his neck. "I like where this is headed." he extended his neck giving my more room.
I picked him up hearing a small squeak escape his mouth as I carried him to my bedroom. I gently laid him on the bed. The last time I just "threw" him he told me to stop "man-handling him" and that he's "fragile" I chuckled at the thought.
"Stop thinking and love me" Stiles whined. I pulled his shirt off making another mark on him, this time near his collarbone. "holy shit Der" Stiles moaned. I moved down his torso making sure to leave small kisses all the way down. Stiles pulled at the top of my shirt silently telling me to take it off. I sat up pulling my shirt over my head. "Hurry up." Stiles whined.
I woke up to the sound of people barging into my apartment. Unwrapping myself from Stiles I pulled on my sweatpants and walked downstairs.

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: