So Fucking Cute

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insaneoversterek Here's your request. I'm sorry it's taken me so long. I hope you like it.

I did a bad thing guys. I finally started Supernatural and now I can't stop. Someone send help.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Scott muttered to himself. "Derek what the hell are we going to do?"

The other wolf growled. "Will you shut the fuck up?"

"He just ran off!"

"Wow, thanks Scott. I hadn't noticed." He snapped. "Just call the pack, have them start searching the woods. He's probably just scared." Derek said looking around the woods where the small Coven they'd just fought lay dead.

Scott nodded. "What about all the..."

"I'll get Peter to take care of it."


Of course Stiles couldn't listen to Derek just this once. No, he had to come along, he had to open his mouth, and now he was lost. Not only was he lost but he was absolutely terrified. Why wouldn't he be? One second he was 147 pounds of human flesh and now he was a 12 pound fox. And let's not forget all of his senses were heightened and it was causing him pain. His head was pounding and he wanted nothing more than the go back to his fragile human body.

"Stiles!" Derek called out for the thousandth time. He had caught Stiles' scent but the boy had run in several different directions and it was getting dark making it harder to spot the small fox. "Stiles!"

Stiles peeked his head around a tree to see the broody wolf walking toward him. "Come here, idiot."

Stiles let out a cry as he ran toward Derek. The wolf bent down letting Stiles sniff his hand before he picked him up. "We almost didn't find you." Stiles let out a whine and pushed his nose into Derek's neck as if he was apologizing. "Just don't run off again, okay?" Derek said scratching his back.


"What are we supposed to do now?" The pack had gathered in Derek's loft after he'd found Stiles.

"Let's just take him to Deaton's." Scott said. "He should know how to fix it."

"What if he doesn't?" Isaac asked.

Derek sighed, petting Stiles, who was sat on the counter.

"Just take him. Deaton probably knows what to do." Lydia said.

"Come on, Sti." Scott called. The small fox looked over at his friend but moved closer to Derek. "Seriously?"

Derek snorted. "I'll take him. Besides it's late and you all have school in the morning."

Scott sighed. "Fine. Keep us updated though."

Derek rolled his eyes and watched as the pack all filed out.

"You hungry?" Derek asked getting Stiles' attention. "What am I even supposed to feed you?" Stiles whined. "We'll get food after we see Deaton, okay? I don't want to make you sick."

Stiles let out a huff, plopping his head roughly onto the counter.

Derek laughed. "Come on."


"Hmm. Well, there's a slight problem." Deaton said softly.

Derek scrunched his eyebrows. "What do you mean? It was just a spell."

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