horangirl2019 here's your one shot! I'm sorry I took forever but I hope you like it!
"Who the hell are you?" Derek snapped at the stranger sitting on his old porch steps.
"Who the hell are you?" He shot back.
"This is private property."
He rolled his eyes, "thanks idjit."
"What the hell did you call me?"
"You don't watch Supernatural apparently."
Derek grunted, "seriously kid, tell me what you're doing here before I call the cops."
The other laughed, "want me to do it for you?" Derek scrunch his brows together in confusion, "sure my dad...the Sheriff, will be happy to safely escort me off your property where I got lost and then harassed."
"You're not lost or being harassed."
"No. But dad loves me." He smirked. "And besides, who's gonna believe you when you actually look like a serial killer?"
"Can you please just tell me why you're here." Derek sighed, growing more and more impatient.
"I'm assuming you're Derek?" He asked, "I'm waiting for Laura."
The wolf scrunched his brows together, "why? Have you heard from her?"
"Not for a few days." He sighed, "she bit me and then went M.I.A."
Derek huffed, "she bit you?"
The other nodded, "Stiles, by the way..."
Derek debated on questioning his name but decided against it before trying to call Laura's phone for the thousandth time.
"Did something bad happen?" Stiles spoke quietly, worry lacing his words.
Derek ignored him biting his lips, blood seeping into his mouth for a few seconds. The call went unanswered and her voicemail played in his ear partially before he hung up.
"How long?"
Derek took a deep breath, "when did she bite you?"
"Few days ago."
Derek nodded, "great."
"Have you heard from Laura yet?" Derek asked a couple days later, Stiles meeting him back at the preserve.
"I was gonna ask you that." Stiles replied. "Is she...I mean do you think she..."
Derek turned away, "we're starting with cardio." He mumbled, taking off toward one of the paths.
Stiles ran after him huffing loudly beside the other. Derek stopped to let him catch his breath. Stiles started muttering about how stupid all of this was and now he's being punished. With CARDIO.
"Will you please just shut the hell up?" Derek snapped after another batch of complaints. "I didn't ask for this. It's not my job to take care of dumb betas but I apparently have to now since Laura is nowhere to be fucking found so please just shut the hell up."
Stiles probably would've made some stupid retort back if Derek hadn't looked so broken when he brought up Laura missing again. He knew about the fire. Derek's family. And after he got bit he snooped even more to try and figure out everything he could about the only two remaining Hale's.
Laura was all he had. And now she's gone too.
They continued training every night. Derek woke up early and searched around for his sister, eventually coming back empty handed to the remains of the Hale house, and just waited around for Stiles all day. He didn't have anything else to do.

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: