The Night I Fell For The Human

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Derek POV

Scott put together a pack bonding trip. He decided we should go camping for the weekend, which I don't mind camping, but I didn't want to go.

We got to this little clearing in the woods that was big enough for all our tents and a fire. There was a pond just a bit away also. Honestly, it was really nice.

I watched Stiles attempting to put up a tent. I chuckled seeing him get frustrated.

I walked over to him "Want some help?" I asked.

"Please?" He whined. I rolled my eyes picking up the pieces and putting it up.

I noticed Stiles watching me as I worked. He was biting on his thumb aimlessly staring. His eyes completely focused and his face mostly relaxed.

"Where's this go?" He asked picking something up.

"I'll show you." I said pulling him over. I showed him how to finish the tent and he cheered a little.


Stiles watched as I was starting the fire. He had his hands up behind his neck and looked pleased.

"I didn't know you knew so much about camping." He said.

"It's common sense, Stiles." I said.

"Then I guess I'm stupid." He mumbled kneeling next to me.

"Your straight A's say otherwise." I said. He shrugged. "Can you get more wood?" I asked. He nodded getting up. As he walked off I noticed how his hips swayed.

"Derek." Scott said breaking me from my gaze.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Fire?" He questioned.

"Yeah..I'm going."


After dinner we all sat around the fire talking and joking. There was this giant smile on Stiles' face that never once faded. He was joking around with everyone until we all fell into a comfortable silence. Scott got up and walked off. Stiles was staring into the fire as if it was telling some sort of story. He was biting on his lip like he was nervous although I knew he wasn't.

"Stiles!" Scott said happily. Everyone turned to see Scott handing the pale boy a guitar. Stiles' heart started beating faster.

"W-what?" He asked Scott.

"Sing?" Scott said as if it was obvious.

Stiles laughed nervously "I don't sing." He said.

"You sing all the time, Stiles" Jackson spoke up.

"No I don't." He fought back.

"You are constantly singing in the locker room." Issac smirked.

"In the shower." Scott added. "You write your own damn songs." Scott laughed.

"B-but I uh..I have a sore throat..a-and my d-dad said n-" he tried getting out.

"Please, Stiles?" Lydia asked. Stiles sighed and glanced at me before going back to biting his lip.

"Fine.." he said quietly. Everyone else cheered but I could tell his anxiety was acting up.

He positioned the guitar on his lap strumming at it before scrunching his face up retuning it.

He sighed before starting to play. After a few chords he lightly starting singing not moving his gaze from the guitar.

"And that I'll fight my corner,
Maybe tonight I'll call ya,
After my blood turns into alcohol,
No, I just wanna hold ya."

His voice was amazing, I understood now why they wanted him to sing. I never expected his voice to be this angelic and I never wanted him to stop.

"Give me love like never before,
'Cause lately I've been craving more,
And it's been a while but I still feel the same,
Maybe I should let you go,"

As he was singing I heard him calm down. He wasn't as nervous as he was when he started.

Watching him as he was singing made my wolf calm. The way the light from the fire was reflecting off of his pale skin and the way his voice drowns out the cracks from the fire and the animals in the woods just made everything so much better.

This is it. This is the moment I finally realized what Stiles means to me.

I Love Stiles Stilinski

And I was totally okay with that.

The song Stiles was singing in this was 'Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran' and I just thought this was a cute idea so here it is.

If you have any requests let me know.

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