I Would Die For You

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This is for narry-ontop. I hope I meet your standards. And yeah, here it is.

Stiles POV

"So, Der, I didn't know what you wanted for dinner...cause you didn't answer your fucking phone...but..you're getting spaghetti." I said walking into the loft with grocery bags. "Derek?" I called. "I'm in the shower Stiles." He yelled. I smiled making my way to the bathroom. "without me?" I gasped. Derek chuckled "just get in loser." He said. I smiled stripping down and climbing in. "Hey gorgeous." He said kissing me. "Hi Derbear." I said making him roll his eyes. "Spaghetti is fine by the way." He said pressing kisses all over my face. I laughed "Someone's awfully affectionate today." I said. He shrugged "I just missed you." He mumbled.

Derek is the best. He might have hated me but that changed. I don't know why or how, but it did and I've never been happier. We started dating just over a year ago and the pack still doesn't know. They think we hate each other still. Originally, we were just hiding it for a few days, until we solved the whole alpha pack situation. But then we decided to see how long it would take for them to notice, it's sort of habit now.

I don't know where Derek is. It's been a few days since we last spoke, it's normal for Derek and I to go without talking on the phone or texting but I at least know what's going on. I got the pack together, who also haven't heard from the wolf, and we were going to head to his house to find clues.

When we got there Derek was sitting up against a wall, he looked exhausted. "Derek?" I called walking over to him as the rest of the pack filed into the loft. "Where have you been!?" I dropped to his side. He groaned trying to sit up more. "Kate..she.." Derek was quiet. "Der, what's wrong? Come on you have to get off the floor." I said trying to pull him up. "Stiles stop." He said squeezing his eyes in pain. "What happened!?" I yelled. "I got the shit beat out of me. I'm fine, relax." He said grabbing my hand. "WHY AREN'T YOU HEALING!?" I yelled. I heard the pack getting closer. "Kate did something. I'm not a wolf anymore." He said softly. I felt my eyes filling up with tears. "How is that even possible! You need a hospital. G-guys help me get him up." I said chocking on my words. "Stiles. Look at me." Derek said pulling me back down by him. "I'm okay." He said. I felt a hand grab my shoulder. Looking up I saw Scott smiling down at me. "Bud, It's Derek. When is he not okay?" Scott laughed. "It's not funny Scott!" I yelled feeling Derek pulled me closer to him. "Babe! Calm down!" Derek scolded. "I TOLD YOU!" Isaac yelled toward Malia. She shook her head as did I before I turned my attention back to Derek. "You're going to the hospital." I snapped. Derek sighed "fine, but relax." He groaned. I got up trying to pull him up. "Don't just stare! Help me! I can't even do a push up!" I yelled at the pack. They helped me get him up and carry him down to my jeep.

"I can't believe you didn't call me. Why didn't you call me?" I snapped on the drive over. Scott and Isaac were sitting in the back. "Cause you'd freak out." Derek replied. "Not true!" I retorted turning into the parking lot. "You're freaking out right now Stiles." He said. "No I'm not!" I yelled. "Yeah you are bud." Scott said from the back making me glare at him. "On the bright side you guys are cute together." Isaac mumbled. "Tell me something I don't know." I said turning my Jeep off and getting out.

Derek POV

I love how much Stiles cares about this whole situation but I also kind of want to punch him. He's acting like I got my legs blown off and can't walk anymore. "What do you want for dinner?" He asked walking over to me. I shrugged "don't matter." I told him. "come on it's your choice." He whined. "Stiles, it's been my choice for the past 3 weeks. I don't care what we eat okay? I'm going to go for a run." I said getting up. "Der, you're still hurt." He said grabbing onto my arm. "Babe, I'm fine. I'm not going to fight someone I'm just going for a run. I'll be fine." I promised pressing a kiss to his cheek and leaving.

When I got back the house was a mess. "Stiles? Seriously? What the hell." I said. I walked into the kitchen not seeing him. "Stiles!?" I yelled not getting an answer. "Babe! This isn't funny!" I yelled. I searched the house not finding him. I called him several times not getting an answer. I went to his house to see if he went home. I even went to Scott's to see if he knew where Stiles went.

The pack was gathered at my loft trying to figure out where Stiles could be. Something is definitely not right.

"Derek, your phone." Scott said annoyance ringing through the air. "Huh? oh.." I said not realizing it had been ringing. I pulled it out to see an unknown number. "Hello?" I answered. "D-derek." I heard a cry. "Stiles? Baby, where are you?" I said. "I-I don't know. Kate came after you left.." he said crying. "Are you hurt?" I asked. "D-I have to go. Please save me." He let out fast "Stiles, wait-" The line went dead. I slammed my hand on the table hating that the pain wouldn't go away like it did when I was still a wolf. "Kate has him." I said hearing Scott let out a growl. "We have to find him. Now." I snapped grabbing my jacket.

We got to a clearing in the woods a few towns over. According to the pack Stiles' scent was all over the place. I miss his smell so much. It's not the same since I lost my powers. I was born a wolf. It doesn't make sense.

We walked further into the woods to see a giant rock circle and Stiles tied up in the middle with Kate. She had Berserkers all around guarding them. "Well, well, well. Look who took all the time in the world to show up." Kate smirked. Stiles picked his head up looking at me. "Let him go Kate." I snarled. "Why would I do that?" She smiled.

The pack started fending off the Berserkers while I went for Kate. She smirked as I walked over to her. "I'm going to fucking kill you." I said punching her in the gut. She laughed. "Sure you are you pathetic human." She smirked turning into her werejaguar form. I managed to get a couple good punches in before she knocked me onto the ground, hard. I saw her hovering over me. "You should've just stayed home." She snapped stabbing her claws into my stomach. "DEREK!" I heard Stiles yell. I looked over at him as she pulled her claws out of me. "I love you" I said. "DEREK NO! Get up!! Please!" He cried. "Derek! I love you!" Was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

Scott POV

When Stiles started yelling at Derek is when I finally caught onto what happened. "DEREK NO! Get up!! Please!" Stiles yelled. I was so distracted I took a hard punch to the face.

We fought most of the Berserkers off, Kate was still over by Stiles just watching. There was more of them then there was of us. "Scott." Stiles called softly. "Kill her." He cried making her slap him.

My pack was getting weak. The Berserkers are difficult to beat and Stiles was growing weaker. She probably hasn't given him anything to eat or drink since she took him. There was a growl behind me. Turning I saw a black wolf. He flashed his eyes blue before charging at Kate. That's when I noticed Derek's body was gone. That wolf is Derek.

He attacked Kate, he didn't kill her but if she didn't get help soon she'd die.

We defeated the Berserkers as Derek turned to his human form and untied Stiles. "Y-you died. I saw you." He cried falling into the others arms. "No, I evolved. I'm okay. I'm right here." Derek cooed rocking Stiles in his arms. "Don't ever scare the shit out of me like that again!" Stiles hit his chest before pushing his face in the crook of Derek's neck and crying. "I'm sorry." Derek said even though he had no reason to be. "I love you." Stiles mumbled. "I love you too." Derek replied picking Stiles up. "Let's head home. Okay?" He suggested. Stiles nodded gripping onto the wolf tighter. Derek carried him to the car.

It's hard to think these two once hated each other and now this.

They'd literally die for the other.

That's an amazing thing to think about.

"Scott let's go!" Derek yelled. "Coming!" I called running over. "God you're so slow." Stiles joked smiling lightly at me wiping his tears. I shook my head. "I'm glad you're okay, asshole."

Okay, there it was. Let me know what you thought.

Any other requests let me know! I'd be happy to write them. :)

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