Kiss Me Already You Fool

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Derek POV

I watched the pack start to file out after the meeting we had. "Derek." I heard making me turn around. "What Stiles?" I groaned. "Can I have a job?" He asked. I laughed "at the ice cream shop down the road? Go for it." I replied walking into the kitchen. "Derek I'm being serious." He said following me. "Do you know how to fix cars?" I asked. He shook his head. "B-But! You could teach me. Or I could like..wash windows and sweep the floor." He said. "I don't own a barber shop Stiles. I'm not really worried about a little dirt on the floor." I said. "Money! I'm good with money and I know for a fact you hate handling that side of stuff." He said. "You think I'm going to let a 17 year old touch my money?" I laughed. "Derek please." He begged. "No. Get out." I walked upstairs to my room. "Please!" He yelled. "NO."

"Hey Der!" I heard. "You better be here because your Jeep needs fixed." I growled. "Nope. What do you need me to do boss?" He asked. "Leave?" I sighed. "No can do." He replied peering under the hood next to me. "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked. "Watching." He said. "What are you fixing?" He asked. "The engine." I growled pulling him by the arm.

"Derek your hands are disgusting." He whined. I stopped and glared at him. "Sorry." he pouted.

I led him into the "office" my dad tried to set up when he owned the place. There were papers stacked and thrown every where. "Sort it." I told him. "A-All of it?" He asked. I nodded and walked away.

About a half hour after I sent Stiles in there he walked out. "Where are you going?" I asked. "To get paper clips and shit. You should really but the essentials more often." He said stopping to look at me. "You have a half hour." I stated. "Can do." He replied.

I heard his Jeep fail to start and him coming trotting back over. "My jeep won't start." He said softly. I walked over to it lifting the hood. "Holy shit Stiles." I said looking at the inside. "Why the hell is half of your fucking car duct tape?" I questioned. "Cause I'm broke..." He replied. I slammed the hood shut and handed him my keys. "Woah, wait, you're letting me take the Camaro?" He asked excitedly. "It comes back with a single scratch on it and I'll kill you." I said in his face. He nodded.

"Derek?" He questioned when he got back. "What are you doing?" He asked. I pulled another piece of duct tape off of his poor car. "What the hells it look like?" I asked holding out my hand for my keys. I felt him set them in the palm of my hand. "I don't have any money for you to fix it." I said. "Good thing you didn't ask me to then." I said. "Derek I can't let you fix it if I can't pay you." He said. "And I can't let you try to drive this piece of shit around if its going to kill you." I snapped back. "Go do your fucking job or I'll junk your car completely." I growled.

"Can I go home?" He asked. I looked at my watch seeing it was 10pm. "Oh shit, yeah. Sorry." I said. "I uh, I finished sorting everything he said before walking over to his dad's cruiser. "Goodnight Der." He yelled. "Night Stiles." I replied.

I walked into the office to see he wasn't lying. Everything was organized. There was also a box of cereal on the desk with a bowl and a note.

You work to hard Derbear. Eat something. Milk's in the fridge.


I smiled and shook my head but sat down to eat.

"Hey Der!" Stiles yelled behind me making me jump. "holy shit Stiles." I mumbled returning my focus to the engine in front of me. "Whatchu need me to do?" He asked peeking his head under the hood. "Get a flashlight." I mumbled. He hummed and walked off returning a moment later aiming the light at my hand. When I was finished I looked at him. "What the hell are you wearing?" I asked. He had on a really nice button up and a nice pair of jeans. "It was picture day..." He mumbled. I rolled my eyes "Come with me."

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