I Promise, I'm Not Okay

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WARNING: This contains self-harm. If you know you are going to be triggered, please DO NOT read this one.

Small author's note at the end :)


"I don't know, I'm just worried about him." Scott said as I walked into the loft.

"Have you tried talking to him?" Lydia asked.

"He won't open up."

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked.

"Stiles. He's getting bullied at school." Scott said sadly.

I felt my heart swell when Scott said that. Who the hell is hurting my Stiles.

"I just, I don't know what to do. He won't talk to me about it. He always pulls the 'I'm fine' card." Scott sighed. The loft door opened and shut.

"I just don't get why it's okay to be late to a meeting you set up." Isaac laughed trying to cover up the conversation.

"UH, Stiles was late too." I replied.

"Yeah, but we like Stiles." Scott laughed.

"Don't be mean to Derek." Stiles said softly.

"Derek's always mean to you. Why are you standing up for him?" Scott asked.

"Two wrongs don't make a right." Stiles sat next to me. "Besides, Derek's not that big of an asshole anymore."

The meeting went on like always, Scott argued with me about nothing, Isaac was confused the whole time, Lydia was the only one to give good input, and Stiles was lost in his own mind.

Everyone had left when I rubbed Stiles' back bringing him back to reality.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine." He replied getting up.

"I'm serious Stiles."

"I'm okay. I promise."


"Derek. I said I'm fine." He said storming out of the loft.


I walked into school the next morning exhausted. Honestly, I feel like I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in weeks.

I was standing at my locker when I was pushed into it. "Fag." One of the guys called.

I sighed watching them walk away. "Why don't you ever do anything to stop them?" Scott asked walking over to me.

Because I deserve it.

"It's not a big deal." I replied pulling out my binder and closing my locker. "Besides, they're stronger than me."

"I'll beat the shit out of them for you." Scott replied.

"You'll just make it worse if you do that."

"Well something needs to change." He snapped.

"No Scott, nothing needs to change. I'm fine. I can handle a few assholes for the rest of the fucking school year. Drop it." I snapped back walking to class.

I sat in Economics hearing the guys behind me calling me names. It was normal but I tried to ignore it. They eventually started throwing crinkled up pieces of paper until they got caught.

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