Before I start this everyone needs to read this.
This story has to do with an eating disorder.
If it is triggering to ANYONE please DO NOT read it.
I don't want anyone to be triggered by my story, so please, please. If you are struggling with an eating disorder and know you will be triggered, just skip this one-shot. Please.
that's all.
I wish it was Friday. But no. Its not. Its Thursday and I have to go to school. I'm exhausted. I don't want to get up and go and since I'm at Derek's with the pack I'm going to have to eat breakfast.
Its themostimportantmealoftheday
I feel Derek move beside me. Normally we don't sleep in the same bed, I usually get up before he wants to go to sleep and move to the couch. I must've fallen asleep before him though.
There was a soft knock at the door followed by Isaac. He's perfect. I don't know how anyone couldn't love him.
He smiles at me "Scott told me to get you up." He said softly. "Thanks" I replied sitting up. He nodded and walked out closing the door behind him. I'm pretty sure he mumbled something about Derek and I being "mom and dad" I don't know. I don't care.
I walked into the bathroom, I stripped, and I pulled out the scale Derek had under his sink. I took a deep breath before I stepped onto it. Letting out the breath I closed my eyes.
I pretend to be a fat, healthy teenager. My dad pretends he doesn't notice. Everything is fine.
I open my eyes.
100.00 pounds. I'm officially at goal number one.
Goal number two is 95. At 95 I'll be light enough to walk with my head up and meaty enough to fool everyone else. At 95 I'll have the strength to stay in control.
Goal number three is 90.
I put the scale away and climb into Derek's shower. This is normal. I have my own shampoo and body wash here. I have my own toothbrush. I even have extra clothes. I don't remember when I started leaving stuff here. I don't remember when Derek stopped caring my stuff was crowding his bedroom and bathroom. I don't remember when he would threaten me or slam me into walls. Or maybe I do.
I heard a knock on the door. I already knew it was Derek. "You can come in Der." I said. I heard the door open and shut again.
This was the routine. He'd wait until I was in the shower. Then he'd knock, walk in, go pee, brush his teeth, and depending on if he was showering he would get dressed or wait until I was done in the shower before getting in himself.
"What do you want for breakfast?" He asked dropping his hairbrush on the floor. "I'm not hungry." I said rinsing the shampoo from the little amount of hair I have on my head. "you didn't eat dinner last night, you're eating breakfast." He said opening and closing a drawer. He's going to brush his teeth. I shut the water off. "I'll just have cereal then." I replied grabbing the towel I had next to the shower and stepping out. Derek watched me as I grabbed my toothbrush. "What?" I asked. He shrugged looking away and going back to brushing his teeth.
I walked downstairs. I knew Derek wouldn't be to far behind me and the pack was in the kitchen. I sighed pulling a bowl from the cupboard and getting out a box of cereal and the milk.
I really do have to eat.
I pour too much cereal in the bowl (150) add in some silky 2% (125) and I sit at the island.

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: