The fire never happened in this one-shot. I thought of it while listening to DNA by Lia Marie Johnson. Okay continue.
I think his heart stopped the second he swung the door open. His smile fell, his body froze. The person on the other side barely said 'hello'. It was Cora who finally spoke up. Who broke the silence. She screamed. She pushed her brother out of the way and just screamed at the man in the doorway. Nobody knew what was happening, but Derek looked broken. He finally pulled his sister back, "What're you doing here?" The words were quiet and his voice broke several times.
"I wanted to see you, both of you. I wanted to apologize."
"You don't get to apologize." Cora snapped.
The other man swallowed hard, and nodded slightly, "I know."
"Get out of here." Cora's words were harsh. Each one stabbing through the air.
"Cor, it's fine." Derek barely spoke.
Cora scoffed, "It will never be fine."
"If you decide you want to see me, on your terms, here's my number." The man handed Derek a piece of paper. He was hesitant, but he took it, hand shaking in the process.
"I'd rather die." Cora snapped, slamming the door in his face.
Silence filled the room again. Derek hadn't moved from where he was glued to the floor by the front door. Cora had stormed off to the other end of the house where her room was, the door slamming loudly behind her.
"Der...?" Stiles spoke, getting up to walk toward him.
Derek just shook his head, "Please, Stiles." He begged, "Not now." The words choked him as they came out. He followed the direction Cora went.
Derek watched as his mom paced in the hallway again, her nightgown floating behind her as she walked. It was two in the morning. He should be in bed. But, he heard his mom crying. He wanted to know she was okay. Just before he grew the courage to step out from behind the doorframe the front door slammed shut. His dad walked in, he wasn't walking straight and he had a bottle of something in his hand.
He knew his mom knew he was there but she didn't say anything as the two started screaming at each other. He watched as his mom was shoved into the wall, head bouncing, dark brown curls being wrapped tightly in his fist. She screamed at him again. Derek yelled, as his father threw the glass bottle at his mother. He ran right in between the two.
"Dad! Stop!" His little voice wasn't enough though. His dad had pushed him, hard. He fell onto the broken glass on the floor, his mother was livid.
Derek ran. He didn't know what else to do he just knew his side hurt really badly. He was going back toward his room when he bumped into Laura. She stopped him, wiped the tears from his cheeks and led him to the bathroom to tend to his side. Laura knee what had been happening but there wasn't anything she could do. He jumped when there was more screaming. Laura tried to calm him. Cora woke up soon after. The three of them sitting in his room waiting, cuddled together. Laura had to be strong for them. Red and Blue lights flashed through the room. It felt like years before their mother came in, an officer following behind her. She pulled Derek into a hug checking his side, the officer taking a look.
"Where's daddy?" Cora asked.
"Daddy had to leave, baby."
Twice a year they saw him after that. Derek would fake a smile, get in the back seat and tell him it was 'nice to see him too'. His dad would play Johnny Cash and they would laugh about things like nothing ever changed but it did. Soon, Laura stopped coming along. She didn't want to be near him and now she had a choice whether or not to go along. Derek still visited him even after Cora stopped going. He wanted to pretend it never happened. He didn't want to believe that his hero was a monster. Eventually, his dad just stopped coming around.

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: