Yo, I'm trying so hard to write all these requests for you guys. I'm literally writing whenever I'm not working. Whoop, cries.
Ask me questions I want to do this thing. Any kind of question, about me, about my books, about dogs. I don't care, ask me some questions so I can do a thing. :)
kris_559 here's the request you and your friend asked for, I apologize for the delay but I hope you enjoy it. It's fluffy and stuff.
The pack had just finished unpacking their stuff for the next week, they were all staying at a lake near the preserve, Derek's family had owned a cabin nearby and Cora suggested they put it to use since the pack all wanted to do something fun together now that there wasn't any threats roaming the town.
Stiles squealed when he said the small boat house on the lake, grabbing onto Derek's arm he asked what was inside of it. Derek shrugged, "Peter just made that, I've never seen it before."
The younger pulled him forward and pushed open the door. Sitting in the water were three Jet Ski's, one was green, another blue, and the last red.
"We're riding one."
Derek laughed, "I don't want to."
"I don't care! I'm not going alone!" Stiles yelled sitting down onto the red one.
"You need a life jacket, Stiles."
Stiles scoffed, "But I got a big bad wolf to protect me."
Derek rolled his eyes, "I'm not helping you if you fall off and drown." He grumbled climbing onto the back. "Do you even know how to work this?"
Stiles shook his head, "Now's a better time to learn than any though." He smiled turning it on.
"Let me show you." Derek said reaching his arms around the younger, he got them out of the building and in toward the middle of the lake before he stopped and showed Stiles what to do, the younger boy beaming with excitement.
Stiles laughed loudly as they sped through the water, Derek groaned behind him. "You're gonna kill us." The wolf muttered.
"Don't be such a Sourwolf!" Stiles yelled back.
He managed to get the jet ski out into the middle of the lake when it started to slow down and eventually shut off.
"This isn't really a place to just stop, Stiles." Derek said, his head resting on the others shoulder.
"I didn't do it, Der." Stiles sighed, "I think it's broke." He started pressing every button he could.
"Stop, you idiot." Derek grumbling picking his head up, he tried to get it to start groaning when it failed. "We have to swim back."
"What? No! I'm not swimming anywhere. I didn't agree to that."
"I didn't agree to this either. Come on, it's broke."
"No." Stiles said as Derek got off and jumped into the water.
"Stiles, come on." Stiles shook his head, "What's the issue?"
Stiles looked at Derek, "It's really deep." He whispered.
"So! I could drown!"
Derek deadpanned, "You held me up in a ten foot deep pool for nearly two hours but the lake is "too deep"?" Stiles nodded, "You're afraid of water? But you...held me up...for two hours?"
Stiles groaned, "You would've died Derek!"
"I wasn't gonna let you die, asshole!"
Derek shook his head, "Come on, in the water."
Stiles shook his head, "No way in hell."
"Look, you held me up, I'll hold you up, okay? Come on." Stiles swallowed looking unsure, his grip on the handles tightening. "Stiles, trust me."
"Promise you won't let go?" He asked not meeting the others gaze.
"I promise." He held his hand up.
Stiles sighed, grabbed onto Derek's hand and got in the water. After freaking out for a moment and clinging to Derek like a koala, he started to relax feeling Derek holding onto him.
"If you're gonna do that, at least get on my back so I can move."
Stiles nodded, moving to wrap his arms around Derek's neck from behind. "Derek..." He whined.
"Relax Stiles, I've got you." Derek said wrapping an arm underneath the boy.
When they reached the shore Stiles refused to let go of the older male, this time to thank him. Derek sighed hugging him back. "Wear a life jacket next time."
"But they're ugly."
Derek rolled his eyes, "Come on, let's get changed."
Stiles stared at the older male as he walked out of his room now dressed in sweatpants and a tank top. "Thank you."
"Stiles, it's fine."
Stiles sighed, "No really, thank you." He grabbed onto Derek's hand.
"You're welcome." Derek replied looking down at their hands, lacing their fingers together.
Stiles smiled, leaning into the other, his face finding it's way to the crook of Derek's neck. "For someone who spent forever in lake water you smell pretty good."
Derek laughed wrapping his arms around Stiles' waist. "You're an idiot."
Stiles lifted his head to look up at him, "I'm your idiot." He said quietly, unsure of how Derek would respond to his comment.
Derek leaned down kissing the other, "You'll always be my idiot."
Whoop, fluff.
I'm tired and I have to work soon and gosh I don't want to.

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: