Part two of 'Dear Stiles'
This has been done since the day after I wrote 'Dear Stiles' I just forgot about it. Oops...
Stiles POV
God, today has just taken so long.
The logical part of me hates when I say that. Simply because there are 24 hours in everyday so no day is longer than another, except in feeling, and today could have easily equaled an entire week.
I'm just so sick of being in a bad mood. Being upset. I just need something, something to boost my spirits, give me a small ounce of hope.
I threw my book bag on my bedroom floor changing into sweatpants, laying on my bed, and pulling out my phone to text Derek. When my head hit the pillow an unusual noise rang through the room. I pulled an envelope out from under my head seeing my name written on top in Derek's perfect handwriting.
I smiled opening it and beginning to read.
As my eyes passed over each word I seemed to grow more and more upset.
'I can see behind the fake smile. I can see maybe because I'm in the same position or because I've spent far too much time studying you from a far.'
I read that over and over. I hated remembering how much Derek beat himself up for every small thing that happened.
'That first sip of coffee in the morning.'
I laughed to myself "You're so obsessed Der." I said to myself continuing to read.
'"Derek, you have an obsession with coffee." I can hear it now. I know Stiles.'
I laughed again "I'll keep telling you too." I mumbled to myself.
'I remember when I finally fell in love with you.'
I smiled "Me too.."
'I remember you turning to face me and I thought about how fast I'd fallen for you in just a few short months and you smiled at me like you knew.'
I remember that day like it was yesterday.
I smiled finishing up the note and calling him. The ringing lasted forever before finally reaching his voicemail. I listened to my own voice project "Derek's too much of a sourwolf to answer his damn phone." And Derek in the background yelling my name. I smiled as the beep sounded for me to start my message.
"Hey Der. It's me." I said rolling onto my stomach. "You're totally at work right now. That's cool. I just..." I wasn't sure what to say. "I'm sorry I haven't let you in lately. I don't want you to have to deal with me more than you already do. You find the best ways to cheer me up, you know that? And I remember that day. I remember you looking at me and I remember feeling my heart beat fast and the stupid butterflies infesting my stomach. I knew the moment you smiled at me I was screwed. Then Isaac hit me with a balloon and I heard you laugh and that made it worse because your laugh is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. I love you so fucking much. I just...I love you. I hope you had a good day. Call me or something. I love you."
I hung up curling into my pillow and smiling to myself as my eyes grew heavy.
"Stiles, baby, wake up." I felt Derek's strong hand on my back.
"Hi Der." I said tiredly.
"Hi sleepy head." He laughed.
"What time is it?"
"Like 5. You wanna go get dinner?"
I nodded "Did you get my message?" I asked sitting up and setting myself in his lap.
"Yeah I did." He wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you." I yawned.
"I love you too." He kissed my head.
"Derek!" I laughed running into the backyard of the Hale house.
"Yeah?" He questioned from his spot at the grill.
"We're guna have a water balloon fight. Join us!" I begged wrapping myself around his arm.
"I'm cooking, go have fun." He smiled at me.
"Fine, you loser." I joked pushing him and running over to Scott and Isaac.
I kept looking over at Derek. He was focused on the burgers and he looked so content. I could only think about how gorgeous he was which made me get hit, twice, by Scott.
I looked up seeing Derek already looking at me. I felt everything slow down and my nerves implode inside of me. I picked up another balloon seeing Derek smile which made me smile and drop my head.
Shit. I think I love him.
I think I'm in love with the sourwolf.
"What are you thinking about?" Derek asked on our way to the restaurant.
"The night we fell in love with each other." I said seeing him smile.
"Thank you, Derek." I intertwined our fingers together as he drove. "For everything."
He brought my hand up and kissed it. "Any time darling." He mumbled kissing it again.
Damn, I really love this fucking wolf.

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: