You can ask anyone in the pack and they'll agree that Derek is obsessed with Stiles' ass. But as soon as you bring it up to the alpha, he'll deny it.
Stiles laughs at Derek's fondness over his ass. He likes it honestly.
At first he didn't pay much attention to it but as their relationship grew he started to notice just how much Derek truly touched his ass.
Derek is, shockingly, a true gentleman toward Stiles. He holds open doors, buys him flowers, all of it. But, when Derek opens a door for Stiles, he slaps his boyfriends ass as he walks past. The first time shocked Stiles making him almost trip. Now, he loves it.
Derek even takes it as far as just staring at Stiles' ass. The pack laughs at him all the time for it. But he can't help it.
Stiles will be cooking or something and Derek just can't help but stare from behind. Stiles even told him to "take a picture next time" and Derek jumped right on that and had an album in his phone of just Stiles' ass. (Stiles can't say much, he has a full album in his phone of Derek's abs. He absolutely loves Derek's abs. Not quiet as much as Derek loves his ass though.)
If Derek is anywhere, anywhere, and Stiles comes up to him and hugs him, Derek's hands find their way to his ass instantly.
The pack all got together for dinner which happens on several occasions and Derek was leaning against the counter talking to Scott and Isaac when Stiles left the stove. He laid his weight on Derek, arms around his torso, head in the crook of Derek's neck. Derek smiled kissing Stiles on the head as his hands found their way to his favorite spot. On occasion Derek will even resort to sticking his hands down the others pants just to rest them on his bare ass.
Some days, after the pack gets out of school they train. Stiles gets there a little late, always, and makes his way inside the house with his schoolwork. As he passes the pack in the front, Derek manages to grab Stiles' ass on his way in. Stiles always turns around giving Derek a playful look before kissing him on the cheek and making his way inside knowing that Derek's eyes are glued to his back side.
What Stiles loves the most is when Derek puts his hand in the younger male's back pocket. Whether they are walking around the grocery store, in the park, going to the 7-11 down the road at 3am because Stiles "needs" more milk. Stiles just loves it. To Stiles, Derek is not only touching his boyfriends ass, but he's showing everyone "this boy is mine, back off." It's almost like a sign of possession in a weird way, but Stiles loves it.
Some days when it's just the two of them Stiles will purposely walk around in nothing but the extremely tight boxer-briefs that he knows Derek loves.
Stiles will sit on his boyfriends lap facing him during these situations. He'll smile and kiss the other lifting himself up enough for Derek to grab Stiles' ass while they make out.
"Why do you like my ass so much?" Stiles finally asked one day while they were walking around, Derek's hand in the other's back pocket. "Cause it's cute." Derek said squeezing his ass making Stiles jump. "How can an ass be cute?" he laughed. "I don't know Stiles, I just like yours okay?" Derek groaned. "Okay." Stiles said pressing a kiss to Derek's jawbone.
Derek moved connecting their lips making the kiss more intimate. Stiles smiled into the kiss jumping up and wrapping his legs around the wolf. Derek gripped the other's ass without hesitation making Stiles laugh again.
"What do you like more, touching it or seeing it?" Stiles asked after they got home. "Don't make me choose." Derek groaned slipping his hands down Stiles pants. "So both? Let's go do both. Now." He said nipping at Derek's ear. Derek moaned picking Stiles up and carrying him to the bedroom.
Derek laid him on the bed kissing him "You're ass is pretty great." He said. "Yeah,yeah." Stiles replied. "But, I like you more." He said. Stiles smiled. "So cheesy." He pulled Derek down for another kiss.
I don't even know. I thought of this and well, here it is.
I'm working on the requests and hopefully will have more posted soon.
I also have a super busy week next week so I don't know if I'll be able to post. I'll be gone every day basically all day long but I'll try to get an update in if I can.

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: