Dear Stiles,
I'm sorry. I don't mean to be such an ass all the time and I don't understand why you seem to like me so much but I love you. So much.
I know you're having a bad day. And I know you're not as happy right now as you say you are. I notice it all.
I notice when you look away from Scott or Isaac and your smile disappears.
And in those few seconds you look away and let the facade vanish I notice how broken you are.
But once those few seconds are up you're back to joking and smiling with the pack pretending you're okay.
I can see behind the fake smile. I can see maybe because I'm in the same position or because I've spent far too much time studying you from a far.
That sounds creepy. But you're absolutely fascinating to me.
You're clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
You said that to Lydia once. Which is true but she's nothing compared to you and you need to realize that you are just as important.
I don't love very many things. But a few that I can think of are:
That first sip of coffee in the morning.
"Derek, you have an obsession with coffee." I can hear it now. I know Stiles.
Reading those notes you give out on birthdays and holidays. I've kept every single one I've received.
"Doubt it." I'll show you.
I love driving around with you in the middle of the night without a destination. Some nights we sit in silence and others you're talking a mile a minute but I wouldn't change it if I could.
"You're so cheesy, Der." You like it when I'm cheesy.
Waking up and seeing you curled up in bed still asleep.
That's one of my favorites.
But I love you the most.
I remember when I finally fell in love with you.
The pack was together at my house after we finished rebuilding it. You and the rest of the pack were having a water balloon fight while I finished making the burgers.
I remember hearing you laugh and thinking how beautiful it is. Realizing that if I ever lost you I'd be broken all over again.
I remember you turning to face me and I thought about how fast I'd fallen for you in just a few short months and you smiled at me like you knew.
When I smiled back you looked down before getting hit with a balloon and yelling at Isaac for hitting you while you we're getting more "ammo" as you called it.
I remember that day like it was yesterday.
Since then I've just kept falling for you.
I think I fall in love over again every time I hear you or see you.
You've managed to build me up every time I fall down. Let me do the same. Please.
I love you
Tell me honestly what you thought about this one. It was kind of a shot in the dark for me. I don't know if I like it or not.
I should have my laptop in a couple weeks!! I'm so over writing on my phone. I've been working on a long one shot that I'm really excited to post. Its not done yet though so I put this up.
Thanks to everyone for sticking around and continuing to read my one-shots even though I've been super lazy about updating.
Xoxo, I'm not gossip girl.

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: