Just Say Yes

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Scott POV
We've watched Stiles and Derek dance around each other for long enough. The pack and I came up with an idea to get them together. How do they deny each other when they can't say no?

We started a bet between the whole pack. The rules are simple.

You can't say no.

The first one to say no has to dye his/her hair hot pink for 3 months.

"Hey Stiles." I sang walking in for the next pack meeting. "Yeah what's up?" He asked turning to look at me. "So...you like Derek right?" I asked seeing him give me the dirtiest look. "Yes." He grunted. Derek chuckled immediately shutting up when Lydia sang out his name. "You like Stiles too, right?" She asked. He rolled his eyes. "Yes." He said his eyes flickering toward Stiles.

"Would you ever take him to dinner?" Isaac asked Derek. Derek nodded focusing back on the papers in front of him. "Isaac!?" Stiles yelled sounding betrayed. Isaac shrugged. "Hey Der" Lydia sang. Derek groaned "yes, what is it princess?" he said angrily. Lydia smiled at the name "If it was just you and Stiles here and Stiles was naked, would you fuck him?" Lydia asked. "yes." Derek mumbled chewing on his thumb trying to read the paper in front of him. Stiles rolled his eyes "what are you reading?" he asked Derek. The alpha sighed "I have this stupid paper due for mythology." he said. "WOAH, WAIT. You're in college? Since when!?" Jackson asked. "Yeah I am. I was taking classes online the past few years." he said annoyed. "He goes to UCLA." Stiles filled in. 

"would you guys ever have a movie night together?" I asked. " the kind where the movies are irrelevant and you end up having sex instead?" Stiles gave me a dirty look. "yes." they both said. "You guys do realize this is most idiotic thing you've ever tried pulling and its not working." Stiles asked. "But what if it is?" I asked. " Its not. This stupid bet is the only reason we are answering you." He replied. "Seriously, its stupid." Derek added.

"Great. Now that's settled. Would you kiss him?" Isaac asked Derek. The alpha glared "yes" he growled. "Then do it." Jackson smirked. Derek didn't move. "You have to. If you don't you have to-" Derek interrupted him "I know what'll happen." He growled. Stiles' heart was beating like crazy and his face was the color of a tomato. "C'mon Derek kiss him." I smirked making Stiles hit me. "You're an asshole." He whined making me smile more.

Derek sighed grabbing Stiles by the hand. "They're idiots." He mumbled wrapping his arms around Stiles' waist. The other smiled into the kiss wrapping his arms around Derek's neck. "I know" he whispered when Derek pulled away.

"Wait, have you guys..." Jackson started. "Yes" they both smirked. "Are you guys dating?!" I questioned. "Last time I checked, yes." Derek smirked. Stiles signed settling his head against Derek's chest. "Hey Scott." He started. "You wanna go get your tongue pierced?" Stiles laughed "fuck."

This is really short and I'm not even sorry.
Okay, bye.

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