Sorry I've been M.I.A I've had no motivation to write to be completely honest. Idk im in a weird state of mind right now. But I'm not dead so hi
Stiles let himself into Derek's apartment slamming the door behind him as he entered. The older male was sitting on the couch reading, not bothering to acknowledge the other. Stiles came over to sit next to the wolf on the couch, staring, waiting for the him to put his book down.
"What?" Derek groaned, looking up from the pages.
"Berkley." Was all Stiles replied, Derek raised his eyebrows as if telling him to go on. "I'm going to Berkley."
"Come with me."
The wolf scrunched his brows together, "And why would I do that?"
"Uh...because you got a full ride to Berkley that's waiting for you 'for whenever you're ready'" he scoffed.
Derek groaned, "Okay first, they said that after the fire, it's been years. And second, how do you even know that?"
"Cora told me." Stiles smirked, "What were you gonna go for?"
"Pre-med." He sighed, dropping his book on the coffee table, standing up.
"Woah, wait, really?"
Derek nodded, stretching, his shirt riding up showing his happy trail. "Why what'd you think I'd go for?"
Stiles had to tear his eyes away from the hair on the other's stomach, "I dunno...something where you build stuff or fix things." Derek finally dropped his arms, a smirk resting on his lips as he walked away. Scrambling off the couch to follow, Stiles spoke again, "That's what I'm going for though! Pre-med!"
"I thought you wanted to work in law enforcement?"
"I did...but I also want to have kids one day that aren't going to be constantly worrying about my well-being like I worry about my dad." Stiles sighed, "Okay but listen, we can go together and get an apartment right off of campus and we can help each other in classes! It'll be awesome!"
Derek's heart swelled at the excitement coming from the younger male, "What makes you think I still want to go to college? Or even pre-med still?"
"You love learning, shut up."
"Maybe I like learning on my own time?"
"Please Derek!" Stiles nearly yelled, "It'd be so much fun and I really want you to go with me!"
Derek sighed, "Why?"
"Well...because you're like my best friend..." Stiles mumbled, looking down.
"Scott's your best friend."
"Was. He still hates me from the nogitsune."
Derek sighed, "No he doesn't."
"Either way, we've grown apart." He muttered, sadly, "Will you at least think about coming?"
"Fine. I'll think about it." He answered making Stiles squeal happily, "That wasn't a yes, Stiles!"
"You're actually such a pain." Derek groaned, throwing the last bag of clothes he had packed in the Camaro.
"Oh, you love me!" Stiles rolled his eyes, "Dad and I will meet you there!!"
"Do you have your key?" the wolf chuckled.
Stiles smiled holding it up in between his thumb and pointer finger, swinging in slightly on the hoop it was attached to. "I'm so excited!"

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: