You're Alive

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Stiles POV
"But Scott he's not answering my calls. He's been missing for like a week!" I shouted into my phone. "Stiles. Relax, you literally saw him yesterday morning. You're overreacting he's probably busy." Scott replied. "He's not at his loft." I said sadly. "Are you seriously at his loft?" Scott sighed. "Maybe." I mumbled sitting on Derek's bed. "Okay, you need to go and go to bed or something." Scott said. "Can we please just go look for him!?" I begged. "Stiles, you're crush on Derek is seriously getting annoying. He's fine" Scott said yawning. "Okay you can't say shit because you were the exact same way when it came to Allison." I snapped. "But Allison's dead." He retorted. "And Derek could be soon if we don't find him!" I shouted. Scott was quite for a few moments. "Fine." He said. "Come get me."

We drove around all night and found nothing. Scott couldn't even pick up a scent. I know I'm probably over reacting but I was scared. Even though I haven't told him, Derek means so much to me. Like so so much. I don't know what I would do with out him.

"Okay shithead this is like the three thousandth time I've called you. Why won't you pick up? I'm starting to get homicidal. Call me the fuck back. I'm worried about you. Call me back...please" I said leaving another voicemail on Derek's phone.

I was pacing around the loft. I swear to fucking god Derek.

Since Derek wasn't answering my calls and I knew I wasn't going to leave the loft until Derek returned I changed into a pair of his sweats and a shirt and grabbed a random movie and put it in.

I picked up my phone. I knew Derek hadn't texted. I knew he hadn't called. But I still looked. I pressed send calling him once again. And once again, I got no response.

I don't remember falling asleep. The only thing I remember is waking up to the sound of the loft door slamming shut.

I sat up quickly.

"Derek?" I said seeing the beat up alpha. His clothes shredded, body full of blood. I ran over to him wrapping my arms around his neck. "You're alive" I breathed against his ear. He wrapped his arms around me. "Sorry I didn't answer you. I was kinda busy." He chuckled into my ear. "Are you okay??" I asked. He ignored my question "that's the first time you've ever hugged me." He said as I pulled away. "Sorry." I mumbled "I-I was just so worried. I thought..." I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Hey, look, I'm right here. Its okay." He wiped my cheek.

I buried my head into his chest trying not to cry. The harder I tried to stop the tears from coming the more they came. He wrapped his arms around me again.

"Stiles" he sighed. "I was so scared Derek." He gasped. "Why?" He asked. I forced out a laugh. "You're kind of stupid aren't you big guy?" I asked. "I like you. Like I really really like you. A-and every time you go to fight some other pack or disappear for who knows how long I get scared. I don't ever know if you'll make it back." I cried. He made me look at him. "I'm not going anywhere Stiles. I'm right here. Okay." He said calmly. I nodded. He wiped my face again. "I'm not going anywhere any time soon." He said resting his forehead against mine. "Okay" I whispered.

"You're not mad that I like you?" I asked still wrapped in his embrace. He smiled "not even a little" he leaned in connecting our lips for a short moment. "I'm not mad." He said. I could feel his breath on my lips. I wanted to kiss him again. So so bad.

"Did you seriously sit here waiting for me to get back?" He asked sitting on the couch next to me. I nodded "I needed to know you were okay." I said "you're in my clothes." He chuckled. "Sorry. Sweats are more comfortable and I didn't bring an-" he cut me off. "Its cute. You should wear them more often." He said. "Did" I stumbled over my words. He nodded "you're cute." He said. I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm so glad you're alive"

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