"Hey Stiles!" Scott yelled trying to get the others attention. The pale boy was sitting at his desk, headphones in, attention set on the screen in front of him as he typed away on his keyboard.
Scott sighed and pushed Stiles out of his computer chair.
"What the hell!?" Stiles yelled at him.
"You didn't answer me." Scott laughed.
"Okay, asshole, first off, I didn't hear you. Second, you didn't have to fucking push me." Stiles snapped. Scott laughed mumbling an apology. "You know we have a meeting tonight right?"
"Yes Scott, I'm the one who told you about the damn meeting." Stiles said finally standing up. "Besides, I have to talk to Derek tonight anyway."
"Are you finally guna tell him you looovvveee him?"
"I don't love him." Stiles replied. "I have to talk to him about the stupid murders. He asked me to get him some files.
"You should probably stop stealing files from the police station." Scott said. "And you totally love him."
"No, I don't." he fought.
"You totally do. It's obvious. Everyone in the pack knows."
"Well that's funny, because I don't fucking love him." Stiles snapped. "He's and asshole. Like, the biggest asshole I've ever met. I don't even understand why he wears that fucking jacket all the time, he looks like a douche and he needs to stop communicating with his fucking eyebrows. WE AREN'T FUCKING MIND READERS."
"You totally love him."
"NO I DON'T! I SWEAR TO GOD!" Stiles yelled anger lacing his words.
Scott laughed "Just admit you like him."
"Oh, please, please, please, dear Lord. MAKE IT STOP." Stiles said falling to his knees and looking up at his ceiling, hands clasped together.
"What are you doing?" Scott asked trying to hold in his laughter.
"I'll do anything. ANYTHING. Just make him stop. Please Jesus. Stop this idiot. Rip out his vocal chords, glue his mouth shut, do whatever, JUST MAKE IT STOP."
"Seriously Stiles?"
"I don't like Derek!" He snapped his head toward the other.
"Yes, you do."
"Prove it then." Stiles said giving his friend the most superior look he could muster up.
"Okay, let's see." Scott started.
"Let's start with how much you talk about him. Whether it's good or bad. You always find a way to bring him into the conversation."
"I do not." Stiles fought back.
"Shut up. I'm talking. And yes you do. We were eating lunch yesterday talking about our project for Chemistry and you blurted out 'Derek and I had tacos together yesterday. They were great.' I think that stands to prove my point." He said.
Stiles pouted letting the other continue.
"You're always, always looking at him. When you think we don't notice, we do, he does. You hug him longer than you hug anyone else. Back to talking about him, when you talk about him you just get so happy. Like, your face lights up. And if you're in a shitty mood and Isaac asks you to come to the loft or Derek plans a last minute meeting you get so happy in split second that you're nearly jumping for joy and running in circles.

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: