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This was requested by @crazy_cat122 I'm so sorry it took like 3 years to get this up. The end of the semester has been rough but here it is. I hope you like it, I tried my best!!

I sat in front of Stiles, well not Stiles, but the nogitsune who had taken over Stiles. He was tied up on the couch with duct tape covering his mouth. His head dropped in front of him. I growled making him laugh through the tape. He looked up at me slowly with this glare in his eyes.

"Let him go." I growled.

He blinked leaning against the back of the couch. I sighed harshly ripping the tape off his mouth.

"Let. Him. Go." I snapped.

He laughed. "No. I like him. He's fun." Stiles responded, coldness filling the room.


"Oh, I get it. You like him." Stiles smirked. I growled flashing my eyes at him. "Oh, I like this game."

"What do you want!?"

"You know what I want, Derek. Why do you care what I do with Stiles?" He asked. "Wait! He's your mate, isn't he?" He shook his head. "But you haven't told him, have you? Why not, Derek?"

I clenched my fist feeling my claws impaling my palm.

"Destroying him is going to be a lot more fun now that I have this information."

I growled loudly throwing the coffee table across the room with a flick of my eyes.

"Oh, shit, I'm scared." He rolled his eyes. "But, tell me, how does a wolf develop telekinetic power?"

"Let him go."

"Guess what? He likes you too." I felt another growl roll out of my throat. "He won't stop talking about you. 'Don't hurt Derek, please, please, don't hurt him' it's pathetic. That's why, I'm gonna make him watch you suffer!" His voice got louder.

"Just leave him alone." I snapped.

He laughed. "But, that's no fun." He sighed. "No, I'd rather force him to kill you instead. That would be fun."

I felt my breathing getting heavier and my fangs poke out of my mouth as I let out a loud roar. In a matter of a second he went from sitting on the couch to hanging upside down in the air.

"LET. HIM. GO." I roared getting nothing but a laugh out of him.

"Uh, Derek?" I heard Isaac behind me.

Dropping Stiles back on the couch I turned around to see the pack, Melissa, and the Sheriff standing there.

"What the hell!?" Scott yelled. The Sheriff and Melissa had replicated the phrase into their facial expressions.

I looked back at Stiles then at the pack. "I need to leave." I sighed walking past them and out the door hearing Isaac calling after me.


"I didn't know werewolf's also had crazy mind magic." I heard a weak voice behind me. Turning from my spot on my back porch I saw Stiles leaning against the doorway.

"Stiles?" I asked. He nodded giving me a smile. "A-are you okay?" I got up helping him inside so he could sit down.

"I kind of feel like I was hit by a truck...but it's cool."

"Are you sure? Why are you here? Not that...you shouldn't be but...you're tired. You should be resting." I said nervously.

He chuckled. "I'm okay, Derek. I wanted to make sure you're okay."

"Me? I'm fine? Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, I mean...the nogitsune really pissed you off. You flipped me upside down."

"I was really hoping you wouldn't know about that..."

He let out a laugh. "Der, I was still there? My body. I could see and hear everything, I just couldn't control anything." He said pulling his legs up onto the couch under him.

"Great." I groaned.

"You know, normally, angry Derek scares me. But it was kind of nice earlier."


"Yeah, I mean. You were freaking out on me. But not me. You were like...protective. You've never been protective over me."

I laughed. "That's not true. I'm always protective over you."

"Name one example." He said laying his head against the back of the couch.

I rolled my eyes. "I always stand between you and whatever new danger comes up."

"Wait, you mean when you push me behind you?" I nodded. "I thought that's just cause I'm a weak human." He said softly, his eyes starting to fall.

"No." I got up. "Come on, you need to get some rest."

"I'm fine. I wanna talk." He said as I pulled him up.

"About what?"

"Am I your mate?" He asked leaning into me.

"We can talk about this later. After you rest." I said helping him up the stairs to my room.

"Can you sleep with me?"

"Stiles." I growled.

"Not like that, Sourwolf. Like, sleep. Like lay with me in bed, fully clothed, and sleep." He said giving me a tired glare.


"Because I'm cold and scared and I don't want to be alone." His heart beat was steady as he climbed into my bed kicking his shoes off. "Please?"

I nodded climbing next to him.

"You gotta tell me how you can throw shit around without touching it too." He yawned cuddling into my side. "But, after the mate thing."

I groaned hearing him laugh lightly. He sat up pressing a kiss to my cheek and laying on my chest. "Goodnight, Der." He yawned.

I kissed the top of his head. "Goodnight, Stiles."

The next updates will all be requests and I'll get them up as soon as I possibly can!! Thanks to everyone for dealing with my horrible schedule lately. Hopefully with the new semester starting things will get a little easier to balance out.

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