Hi! I'm back! Thanks for sticking with me through my break. I was so busy and working around everything just wasn't working out. Plus I was starting to feel forced to write which was making it so I just didn't want to write at all. But, I'm back now and I'll be posting requests again soon. (Sorry that's taken me so long) Here's something I wrote a few days ago. :)
"Please!?" Derek begged again, for the hundredth time.
I frowned, "Derek, you can't."
"Why not?"
"You know why..." I whispered, a tear making its way down my face.
He shook his head, "No I don't." he wiped his thumb across my cheek.
I looked down, Derek lifted my chin pressed his lips against mine. "I just want to meet her."
This went on for three months before I finally gave up.
"Okay! Fine! Whatever!" I snapped, moving away from him. "You're such an ass..." I mumbled to myself walking out the door and toward my Jeep.
Derek smiled at me when he climbed in the passenger seat. He's been bugging me to meet my mom but he knows...he knows what happened to her. He knows she's gone.
I stopped at the store buying a bouquet of roses, Derek grabbed tulips showing them to me as if asking if they were okay. I nodded and headed toward the check out in silence.
Pulling into the graveyard sadness hit me like a tsunami and I felt like I couldn't breathe. This was weird, I don't get what Derek wanted. Why he wanted to "meet her" when he can't.
She's dead.
I lead him over to her grave, sitting down next to it, grabbing the wilted bouquet from last week and replaced it. He sat down across from me setting his bouquet next to mine.
"Hi, Mrs. Stilinski, I hope Tulips are okay, Stiles didn't say whether they were or not so I just hoped you'd like them." I smiled, "I'm Derek by the way."
I looked up at him as he continued to talk to my mom's grave as if she were sitting right in front of us.
"You know, you're son's amazing. After the fire I kind of gave up all hope on everyone and everything and if it weren't for him I'd probably be a hermit or something." I chuckled, leaning to rest my head on his shoulder. "I-I don't know how much he's told you about me. He's told me a lot about you, showed me pictures. You're gorgeous, I can definitely see where he gets it from. He still takes care of your garden, you know that? He's like a pro. I couldn't remember to water a plant if my life depended on it." He laid his head on mine. "I'm serious though, my mom, Talia, you know her. She talked about you a lot. Anyways, she asked me to watch over the flowers she had that hung around the porch and the one's she had on the patio in our backyard while her and my dad were away on some trip for something, it was only for a week. By the time she got back they were all dead. She wasn't very happy. You might know that story already though, I think she called you afterwards."
"I gotta bring my dad dinner soon, Der." I whispered, not moving from where I was resting against him.
He hummed, "I guess we gotta go. It was nice meeting you, I hope you don't mind if I come back."
"I love you, mom." I said as Derek got up.
I didn't even make it back to the Jeep before I started crying. Derek pulled me into a hug. "What's wrong?" He asked, rubbing my back.
"I can't believe you just did that."
"Should I not have?" I could hear the worry in his voice.
I let out a teary laugh, "No, no it was okay. I just...God, I love you."
"I love you, too." He moved to look at me. "Why're you crying?"
"You acted like she wasn't..."
He kissed me, "I just wanted to meet her, Sti."
"I'm glad you did." I said seeing him smile. "Can I meet your mom?"
He nodded, "Of course you can. She'll love you."
"I love you."
"I love you too, babe." He pecked my cheek. "Come on, let's torture your dad with a salad."

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: