He's Vegan

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This was requested by @mademosiellejohanna I hope you like it. Sorry it took so long!!

"Hey, Stiles!" Isaac yelled running into the kitchen. The rest of the pack trailing behind him. "We're gonna order in, you want anything?"

"No thanks." Stiles smiled focusing back on his chemistry homework where he was sitting at the island.

"Why not?" Jackson snapped.

"I just don't want anything? I have stuff here I can eat." Stiles sighed scribbling on the margin of his paper.

"What are you like vegetarian now? Too good for Chinese?" Erica joked.

"Worse, he's vegan." Scott groaned sitting in a stool across from Stiles.

"What the hell is vegan?" Jackson asked.

"It means he doesn't eat or use animal products." Lydia explained.

Jackson laughed. "You're messed up Stilinski."

Stiles sighed trying to focus back on his homework.

"Okay, so seriously. What are we all ordering?" Isaac asked.

The group chatted for a while waiting for Derek to get home. He walked into the kitchen kissing Stiles on the cheek.

"Derek, we're gonna get Chinese what do you want?" Isaac asked.

"The orange chicken." Derek said before leaning in toward Stiles. "You want me to go get you something from that place down the street you like?"

Stiles shook his head. "No, I'll just eat what I have here." He said softly.

"Okay, seriously, how are you vegan?" Jackson started again.

"I've seen you eat meat before." Erica said.

"He used to. Then he was vegetarian and now he's vegan." Scott said. "I don't understand it."

"That's kind of gross. Like, what even is non-dairy milk?" Erica asked looking at her phone.

Stiles sighed putting his homework back into its folder.

"Guys, cut the shit." Derek said.

"We're not doing anything." Jackson laughed. "But, I mean, it makes sense. Stiles is gross so of course his diets gonna be gross."

The beta's started laughing at Jackson's stupid joke. Derek growled getting their laugher to halt. Stiles grabbed his stuff walking out of the kitchen.

"Stiles." Derek called walking after his boyfriend. "Babe, what are you doing?"

"I'm not going to sit here all night at listen to them." Stiles said sadly, tying his converse. "I'm just gonna go see my dad, stay home tonight. I'll call you later."

"Babe, don't. Please stay."

Stiles shook his head. "You have fun with the pack. It's kind of obvious I don't fit in here." Stiles kissed Derek before walking out of the loft.

Derek waited until he heard Stiles' jeep start before he flashed his eyes at the silent pack and roared. Watching them all submiss he felt a growl rise in his throat.

"What. The. Hell?" He yelled.

"What? It's not our fault Stilinski can't take a fucking joke." Jackson snapped.

"That wasn't joking, that was being rude." Derek snapped.

Scott pushed his lips together. "I didn't think it'd upset him so much."

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