Part two of 'I Know You'
Derek POV
Stiles got up and walked to the bathroom about an hour after Scott left. While he was gone I moved to lean my back against the armrest propping my legs up on the couch. Stiles walked back out looking at me before yawning. He climbed onto me resting his head on my chest falling back asleep and oddly, I didn't mind.
I dropped my hand so it would rest on his back, it landed on his ass instead. I went to move it he mumbled a "don't" half asleep. I chuckled not moving my hand except to turn the page of my book.
Stiles woke up when his phone rang around 9pm. He shoved his hand into his pocket pulling out the device answering with a groggy "hello?" As he put his head back on my chest. "Sorry dad. I fell asleep, I'll come home now." He said. "Yeah, love you too. Bye." He hung up.
"Can you take me home?" Stiles asked. "Yeah." I replied putting my book on the coffee table. He hasn't moved. "Your hands on my butt." Stiles said trying to cuddle closer to me. "Is that a problem?" I asked. "No" he replied. "You're comfortable." He added. "Thanks?" He finally got up. "Sorry I slept on you." He said shyly before stretching. His shirt rode up to show part of his v-line. "Its's fine." I said getting up.
"Thanks for driving me home." Stiles said as I pulled into his driveway, his pathetic broken down Jeep next to us. "Anytime"
I walked him to the door seeing him blushing slightly. "So um.." he said. "Yeah." I added. "You want to um..maybe go to dinner sometime or something?" I asked. "I uh..yeah." he smiled. I nodded "alright." I said. "Alright" he chuckled looking down. I lifted his chin pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "Should I like call you or something?" I laughed. "If you want to." He looked at me. "I wouldn't mind if you did." The blush on his face darkened. "Okay." I said. "I should probably.." he nodded. "Bye Stiles" I said walking toward my car. "Bye Derek" he chimmed happily.
The next night I called him.
"Hey Der" he said sounding like he tripped. "Hi" I laughed "you okay?" I asked. "Yeah." He replied. I heard the tv playing softly in the background. "What are you watching?" I asked. "Nothing..." he said quietly. "Sounds like it." I said. "Its not porn." He said. "I didn't think it was." I replied putting my phone between my cheek and shoulder so I could put on my sweatpants. "Its just a stupid show.." he said quietly. "What stupid show?" I asked. "Why" he whined. "I wanna know" I said. "Its America's Next Top Model." He sighed. "You like shows like that?" I questioned. "Don't make fun of me Derek, I caught you watching cup cake wars." He snapped. "I wasn't making fun of you! I just thought you'd be more into doctor who and stuff." I said back. "Oh I am. Doctor Who is the shit." He said making me chuckle. "Don't laugh at me Derek Hale." He said laughing himself.
A few days passed and we spent all day texting or on the phone. I didn't realize before but, I like Stiles, like. A lot.
Friday finally came and I was supposed to pick Stiles up around 5 for good reason. I was taking him to the new aquarium down town. He's been talking for weeks about how much he wants to go and it'll probably be more of a treat to me. Getting to see him so happy over something so small.
Getting to his house I knocked on the door to see his dad. Great. It was even better because he made it obvious he had a shotgun, that he had sitting next to him in the living room, and would use it in a heartbeat. Stiles was halfway down the stairs when his dad answered the door cringing as much as I was as his dad threatened me. When the sherrif was done Stiles grabbed my hand pulling me upstairs.
He looked like shit.
His hair was messy, he was in pajamas, he probably hasn't gotten much sleep.
"I'm sorry I'm not ready. I-I had a really bad headache earlier so I took a nap but I like just woke up before you got here and I'm sorry." He spoke fast. I chuckled "it's fine." I said sitting in his computer chair. "Are you sure? I feel bad." He said quietly. I pulled him over so he was standing between my legs. "I'm sure. Now get ready." I said rubbing my thumbs against his hips. "O-okay" he stuttered, waiting for me to let go before he moved to get ready.
Stiles practically burst with excitement when I pulled into the parking lot of the aquarium.
He got out practically running toward the entrance dragging me behind him. "This is so cool Derek" he said hugging me and we stood in line. I chuckle "I thought you'd like it."
Stiles was completely fascinated in the fish, he almost had a heart attack when he saw the sea turtles swimming around. It was beautiful, he's beautiful.
I wrapped my arm around his waist settling my hand in his back pocket. "Der look!" He yelled poking the glass. I smiled. "Its so pretty" he said softly. "Yeah." I agreed not moving my gaze from his smiling face.
Stiles and I hung out a lot since then. I think I love him. I need him.
I walked up to his door seeing him answer it while he was on the phone. He smiled at me stepping outside. "Scott I'll call you later." He said before hanging up. "Hey sourwolf. I'd invite you in but my dads his don't want you to shit yourself." He laughed. "Its okay. I uh..I have a question though." I said. "Shoot." He replied. "Do you..uh..will you be my boyfriend?" I asked. He was silent for a moment. "Oh! I think my dad just called be. I better.." he ran inside.
That went well.
I asked him about it while we were on the phone later that night. "My dad needed me." Was his excuse. "Stiles, c'mon." I said. "I don't want to date you Derek." He sighed. "Why? What did I do?" I asked. "Nothing." He replied. "I just don't want to." He said. "I know you Stiles and I know you're lying. Just tell me." I said. He was quiet for a few moments. " can you come over?" He asked. "Y-yeah if you want me to." I replied.
I made my way to his house, his dad was at work currently. "So?" I questioned sitting on his bed as he paced his room. "I don't want to get hurt." He said. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "I don't want to say yes just to get my heart ripped out when you find someone new!" He said coldly. I chuckled. "Babe, I wouldn't have asked you if I wasn't in it for the long run." I said. He smiled a little. "I want to be with you, only you. And that's not going to change." I said. "How do you know?" He asked. "Because you're my mate." I said. He snapped his head toward me "really?" His jaw dropped "yes. I wouldn't make that up." I said. He walked over to me "kiss me" he said. "Okay" I smiled leaning in to plant a soft kiss in his lips. "So, will you be mine?" I asked. "If you call me that forever, yes." He said against my lips "call you what? Mine?" I asked. "Yeah" he breathed out. "Of coarse." I kissed him.
He pushed me into his bed laughing. "You're such a softy" he said laying his head on my chest. "Only for you darling" he started to fall asleep and I could picture this happening for the rest of our lives.
So there is part two. I hope it was good, I wasn't completely sure what to do at first but I think it turned out pretty good so I hope you enjoyed it.

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: