A part two of 'Drapetomania' was requested by the lovely tiannahxrondale so here it is. Hope you like it!!
The overwhelming urge to kiss
Derek POV
Stiles and I have been in Greece for almost two months and god it's beautiful. We're leaving in the morning to go somewhere new, he doesn't know where it is yet, but I'm taking him to Paris. I'm planning on proposing to him. We've been together for years, we've been through so much together, and I would literally die if he ever left me.
"Der, why can't you just tell me where we are going?" He complained packing his stuff up. "Because it's a surprise." I said again. "I don't like surprises." He whined. I laughed "That's total bullshit Stiles." He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Can I at least get a kiss? I really want one." He said in the sweetest voice he could muster. "I think that'd be okay." I replied pressing my lips against his and attaching my hand to his waist. "I love you." He mumbled. "I love you too." I said kissing him once more.
The next morning I practically had to drag Stiles out of bed and down to the lobby so we could get to the airport on time. Thankfully, he only weighs like two pounds and we had a luggage cart. "Der, stop moving." He groaned as I pushed the cart into the elevator, Stiles strapped onto me like a koala. "Stiles, I'm going to beat the shit out of you if you don't shut up." I said bouncing him up so I could adjust my grip on his ass. "I like it when you grab my ass." He said huskily biting my ear. I groaned biting his shoulder. "Ow" He whined into my neck. "We don't have time for this." I replied getting looks from people in the lobby that ranged from "what the hell is he doing?" and "awe what a sweet boyfriend." I groaned handing the room keys in and waiting for our cab.
Stiles was anxious when we got to the airport. We were currently going through security and he still had no idea where we were headed. Getting through security took forever and when I say forever, I mean forever. Any longer and we would've missed our flight. And we got to the airport two and a half hours early.
"Derek where are we going" Stiles whined sipping on his oddly named Starbucks drink that costs way more than a damn drink should. "Just sit down." I said. Stiles, being well Stiles, didn't even bother to look at the signs around the airport to figure out which flight we were sitting at. He groaned again but this time for a different reason. "What now?" I asked. "My drink is gone..can you throw it away?? Pleaaasseeee." He said. "You're literally like five, why do I like you?" I said taking his cup and throwing it out. Stiles smiled and pulled me in for a kiss when I sat back down. "You're the best boyfriend ever." He said. I smiled "Whatever."
"Now boarding flight 189 to Paris" The attendant called. "Get up." I told Stiles. "Wait, what!? Paris!" He asked. I nodded "Let's go." I laughed. "Oh my god!" He shouted, excitement lacing his words together.
The flight felt longer than it was, mainly because Stiles wouldn't sit still until he finally fell asleep.
"Why can't I have the window seat?" He whined. "If I give you the damn window seat will you fucking stop." He nodded.
"Der, I'm hungry, get food."
"Der move! I have to pee."
"Derek why don't you love me?"
"What are you watching? It looks stupid, let's watch batman!"
"Are you kidding me, my phone died, give me yours."

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: