stonewallkey here's your request. Again I'm sorry it took so long.
There's a bit of a back story before it gets into the actual request. I hope that's okay and that you like it. Let me know!! :)
A series of knocks on the front door and Talia calling Derek to answer the door is what started it. A hopeless friendship, a mild crush, a connection that drives them both wild.
"Derek!" The ten year old yelled as the door was opened.
"Hi." Derek laughed moving to the side with Stiles clung to him allowing John and Claudia to come inside. "My parents are in the kitchen."
"Thanks kid." John said as Claudia flashed a smile toward him.
Stiles toed his shoes off. "What are we doing today, sourwolf?" He smiled.
The two had basically been inseparable even with a three year age difference. Laura always made fun of Derek because it was obvious the younger male idolized him. Derek just shrugged it off and invited Stiles to join him with whatever they had been doing.
"You're a life saver, Derek." John said.
Stiles yawned pushing past him with his backpack in hand. "It's not a big deal." Derek said softly.
"We really appreciate it." Claudia added.
"I'm not a baby. I could've stayed home alone." Stiles fought back.
"Not for the entire weekend." John said. "We'll be back Sunday night."
"Okay." Derek said watching Stiles toss his shoes in his normal spot by the door.
"Thank you, again." Claudia smiled.
Derek nodded closing the door as Mr. and Mrs. Stilinski left the preserve. "Where are they going anyways?" He asked.
Stiles shrugged. "My mom's cousin or someone got in an accident. She lives in Texas."
"Oh. And they didn't want you going?"
"I don't know." Stiles sighed. "Can we watch a movie?"
When Stiles' mom got sick he spent more time at the Hale's than he did his own house. The entire family would spend days and days at a time telling him that his mother would be fine and she would start getting better soon.
When Talia answered the door to two crying Stilinski's she knew they were wrong.
John explained that he needed to take care of a lot and asked if Stiles could stay the night. Talia hugged them both sending Stiles upstairs to Derek's room.
Stiles didn't bother knocking as he walked into the elder's room. Derek and his younger sister Cora were sitting on the floor playing video games.
"Hey, Sti. What's wrong?" Derek asked pausing the game.
Stiles just shook his head and felt the sobs wrack his body again as Derek and Cora wrapped him in a hug.
Derek spent his days cheering Stiles up. He'd go out of his way to just make the other smile. Stiles didn't think he'd ever be able to pay him back until he came home to Derek and Laura on his couch with his father on the phone in the kitchen. He realized it'd be best to keep his mouth shut as he crawled over to wrap him a hug.

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: