Stiles POV
All day I've been on edge. I need to tell Scott, but how?He came up to me at the end up the day asking if I needed a ride home. Before I could answer I heard Derek behind me.
"C'mon babe, I'm guna be late!" He yelled from the car. "Give me a sec" I yelled back. "'re dating Derek?" Scott asked. I nodded. "I've been trying to figure out how to tell you..." I said. "Stiles, seriously we have to go!" Derek yelled. "I gotta..." I said starting to back up. "You're explaining this later." Scott said. It was an order.
Later that night Derek dropped me off at my house and Scott was sitting on the steps waiting for me. "Have fun" Derek laughed. "Shut up" I smiled. "Am I getting you in the morning?" He asked. "Please?" I asked leaning in. He connected our lips. "Okay" he mumbled kissing me again. "Call me later, Kay?" He said. I nodded kissing him again. "I love you" he smiled "I love you too"
Scott followed me up to my room waiting for me to speak.
" months ago..." I started knowing Scott would freak over how long I have hidden this from him. "6 months!!!" Scott yelled. "you two have been together for 6 fucking months and you haven't told me!?" I sighed. "Derek and I just...wanted to keep it between us...until well..recently..." I said quietly. Scott gave me a look "yeah..okay...and how did you two become a thing exactly?" he asked. I smiled "I ended up going to his house for a pack meeting early one day and..."
"Hey, Derek?" I called walking into the loft. He walked out from the kitchen "you're really early." He said. "Sorry I just..." I didn't have an actual reason to be early, I just was. "It's fine" he chuckled.
"you want lunch?" he asked. "you want me to make you lunch don't you?" I asked knowing he doesn't cook. "maybe.." he said quietly. I rolled my eyes "what do you want?" I asked walking into his kitchen. He shrugged. "you're getting grilled cheese then." I said pulling out a pan. "alright." he pulled out a jar of peanut butter sticking his finger in and sucking it off. "seriously?" I laughed. "want some?" he smirked sticking his finger in the jar again. "Yeah" I grabbed his hand sucking the peanut butter off his finger. The look on his face was priceless. I laughed and turned around to finish his grilled cheese.
After I flipped the grilled cheese I was pulled away from the stove and pushed against the fridge. "Der I'm sorry I was kidding" I said looking at his unreadable expression. The next thing I knew he was kissing me "I fucking hate you" he mumbled against my lips. I moaned slightly "You're grilled cheese is going to burn" I said nervously as he moved to my neck. "let it burn." he said. I smiled "okay."
"Okay, so you and Derek totally did it and then became a couple?" Scott asked cutting off my story. "No Scotty, we didn't have sex...unfortunately." I said. "Okay.."
We were sitting on the couch watching some movie (that to this day I still can't remember). I was to busy freaking out inside. Derek had his arm around me focused on the screen the whole time and I know he heard my heart beating faster than the energizer bunny.
"Stiles, relax" He laughed. "I can't." I said simply. "Why. Am I making you nervous?" he whispered in my ear. "n-no" I replied. "good." he kissed my cheek getting up.
"When does the part where he asks you out come up?" Scott said impatiently. I laughed "I'm getting there."
After the pack meeting I stayed behind for a few minutes. Before I left Derek walked me to my Jeep. "You wanna go to dinner on Saturday?" He asked leaning against my Jeep. "yeah, sure" I smiled. "Why are you so nervous, I'm not threatening you." He joked. "I're just making me nervous." I said. "well relax." he leaned in kissing me softly. "get home safe." he added pulling me closer to him. "I will" I replied.

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: