Drunk In Love

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I want to give a big thank you to Always_Reading1410 for giving me something to write.

My writers block is killing me, not just on my one-shot book but all of them.

Once again, thank you Always_Reading1410 you are a doll and I hope you like this.

Derek POV

"What do you want?" I answered my phone. "Don't be such a sourwolf." Stiles laughed. "Stiles, what the hell do you want?" I growled. "I was just guna invite you-SCOTT FUCKING STOP-to Lydia's party. is real fun Der." I sighed "I'm good. Bye." I snapped hanging up. 

I had to deal with the pack all weekend, 'packing bonding time', as Stiles and Scott called it, I don't need to go to a party with them and their stupid high school friends. I'm 24.

I groaned as my phone went off again.

"Stiles." I growled answering. "Awwww look at you trying to be all scary through the phone, Der you're adorable." Stiles slurred. "I'm hanging up." I said. "no!" he whined. "Why?" I asked. I hate when Stiles calls me drunk. "don't leave me. Don't you love me?" oh my god "Goodbye Stiles." I hung up, again.

I managed to actually get an hour of peace before one of the pack members, Stiles, blew my phone up again. 

From: Stiles

Hey babe, don't be so sourwolfie

Good job Stiles, you spelled everything right. I'm so proud. Leave me alone.

From: Stiles

sext me bac

lord help me

To: Stiles


From: Stiles

Mallard me

To: Stiles

I don't even know what the hell you're talking about.

From: Stiles

You wanna know who was a straight up thug? FUCKIN POCAHONTAS. tht bitch ruled the world.

From: Stiles

I just threw up on a dog. ITS THE FINAL COUNTDOWN

From: Stiles

come get drunk

To: Stiles

I can't get drunk. I'm a werewolf.

From: Stiles

da fakc? lol u drunk alrdy?

From: Stiles

I have a glowsick

From: Stiles 


From: Stiles

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