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"Hey, Natalie's on her way over." Puck informed Quinn.

"Natalie?" Quinn repeated.

"My girlfriend." Puck reminded Quinn.

"No, I know." Quinn stated. "But I thought you stopped seeing her."

"What made you think that?" Puck wondered.

"Well, you've been back from Lima for a few days and you haven't seen her." Quinn answered. "And I saw you with those other girls."

Puck didn't say anything.

"I'm not judging you." Quinn clarified. "I'm just worried about you."

"Well, don't." Puck shook his head.

"I can't help it." Quinn said. "I care about you, and I know when something's bothering you."

"Nothing's bothering me." Puck insisted.

"You haven't said Finn's name since he died." Quinn noted. "And while I happen to think the scruff is pretty hot, you haven't shaved in, like, a week."

"Since when do you monitor my grooming habits?" Puck asked defensively.

"You haven't even cried, Noah." Quinn added.

"So?" Puck wondered.

"It's okay to be upset." Quinn told him. "Finn's death was horrible and unfair, and it's okay to cry and scream and-"

"I'm fine." Puck cut Quinn off.

"Fine doesn't go out, get drunk, and cheat on their girlfriend." Quinn replied.

"You wanna talk to me about cheating? Seriously?" Puck questioned Quinn.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"And what about you? You were with him when it happened and you're acting like you don't even care." Puck stated. "You didn't even come to the funeral."

"Because I couldn't!" Quinn exclaimed.

"You could've." Puck argued. "Your mom said you can fly until the end of this month. You lied to me."

Quinn bit her lip. "Noah, I..."

"I don't wanna do this right now." Puck shook his head as he walked away.


"Hey, baby." Natalie grinned as she greeted Puck with a kiss. When they parted, she stroked his scruffy beard. "What's this about?"

Puck shrugged. "I'm growing it out a little."

Natalie shook her head. "Not if you'd like to continue sleeping with me."

Puck sighed. "Come in. Beth's in her room and Quinn..."

Puck trailed off as the blonde walked down the stairs and pushed past Puck and Natalie.

"Where are you going?"

"Out." Quinn answered. "Don't follow me."

"Quinn." Puck called after her. "Quinn!"

"Yikes." Natalie muttered as Quinn walked away. "She's moody."

"The hormones are starting to make her kinda crazy." Puck mumbled as he took a deep breath. "Come inside. Let's catch up."


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