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Puck went inside and found Santana and Natalie sitting on the couch talking. "Where's Beth?"

"Upstairs." Natalie answered. "Why?"

"I want her to meet her mother." Puck said, glancing at Santana before walking away. He went upstairs and knocked on Beth's door.

The door opened and Beth stood there.


"What are you doing up here?" Puck wondered.

"Tana said to go get something." Beth replied.

Puck picked Beth up and sat her on her bed. "There's someone here to see you."

"Britty?" Beth guessed.

Puck shook his head. "Your mom is outside. Do you wanna meet her?"

Beth smiled. "Yeah."

"Come with me." Puck said, taking Beth's hand.

The pair went downstairs and outside. Puck knocked on the car window so Quinn would roll it down. He scooped Beth up and put her on his hip.

Quinn smiled when she saw Beth.

Beth looked at Puck.

"Beth, this is your mother, Quinn. Quinn, this is Beth." Puck smiled at the blondes' reactions to each other.


"She looks just like you." Quinn stated as she looked at Puck.

"Everyone says the opposite." Puck answered. "Your hair, your nose, your ears."

"Your eyes and mouth." Quinn noted. "She's a good mix of us."

Puck smiled in agreement and looked at Beth as she reached her hands out to Quinn.

Quinn took Beth's hands and squeezed them. "It's so good to see you, Beth."

"You're so pretty." Beth told Quinn when she pulled away. "I saw you in Daddy's yearbook."

"Yeah?" Quinn smiled. "Thank you."

"How do you know Tana and Britty?" Beth wondered.

"They're my best friends." Quinn stated. "I was the maid of honor at their wedding in February."

"Do you know Finn and Rachie?" Beth asked.

Quinn nodded. "I'm friends with them, too."

Beth nodded back. "Daddy said you didn't stay because he wasn't good to you."

"Beth." Puck scolded as his cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

"Your father is one of the greatest men I know." Quinn answered. "I was just stupid."

"Daddy said you go to a really good college." Beth responded. "You're smart and beautiful."

"Thank you. You're beautiful, too, Beth." Quinn smiled as she looked at Puck. "Santana and I should get going. Thanks for this."

"Will you come back soon?" Beth questioned Quinn.

"If I can." Quinn nodded as she took Beth's hand and squeezed it. "Be good for your dad. Bye, Puck."

"I'll call you during the week. We'll figure this out." Puck promised.

"Don't ruin your life for mine, okay?" Quinn said softly as Santana and Natalie walked over to the car.

"Nat, this is Quinn. Q, this is Natalie." Puck formally introduced the two of them.

"It's nice to meet you." Quinn muttered as she looked at Santana. "We should go."


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