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Santana pulled over right in front even though workers tried getting her to move.

Puck climbed out of the car and helped Quinn out. He put his hands on her back and her shoulder as he led her inside.

Puck got Quinn a wheelchair and pushed her to the maternity ward. They did an exam before bringing her right up to the delivery room.

Puck helped Quinn into a gown and put one on himself afterwards.

"It hurts so bad." Quinn whined as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"It's gonna be okay, Q." Puck told Quinn. "Doc, can we get her some drugs?"

"I'm afraid it's too late for that." The doctor said. "She's almost at ten centimeters."

Puck gulped. He stood next to Quinn and held her hand. "You're gonna have to start pushing, Q. Squeeze my hand."

"I can't do this." Quinn cried. "I need my mom."

"Babe, you have to." Puck told Quinn. "You've done it before. You'll be okay."

"Noah." Quinn looked at him.

"I know, I know." Puck said as he pushed Quinn's hair out of her sweaty face and wiped her tears. "Just listen to the doctor and squeeze my hand, okay?"

"You need to start pushing." A nurse told Quinn.

"Come on, Quinn." Puck coached her.

Quinn was screaming and crying, but she obeyed the doctor and nurses.

"You're doing great." The doctor said.

"Squeeze my hand." Puck reminded Quinn. "As hard as you can."

Quinn groaned and squeezed Puck's hand as another contraction hit. His knuckles were turning white, but he didn't dare complain.

"I can't do it anymore." Quinn stated, taking a deep breath.

"Come on, Q. You got this." Puck told her. "3...2...1..."

"Ahhhhh." Quinn screamed.

"Alright, Quinn, just a few more. There's gonna be a big contraction in a few seconds and I need you to push until I tell you to stop." The doctor warned Quinn. "Ready?"

"No." Quinn shook her head.

"Go!" The doctor exclaimed.

Quinn was hit with more pain than the other contractions combined. She screamed and squeezed Puck's hands as she brought their son into the world.

"Done." The doctor said. Puck cut the umbilical cord and the nurses took the baby to be cleaned up while Quinn delivered the placenta.

Quinn instantly felt somewhat better. She was still sweaty and exhausted, but she felt relief. She looked up at Puck.

"Noah." She said weakly. She was still holding his hand.

"I'm here." Puck said as he looked at her. "I'm so proud of you. You did it."

"I need you." Quinn added.

"I'm here." Puck repeated, gently squeezing Quinn's hand.

"Here he is." One of the nurses said as she put the baby boy in Quinn's arms. "He's big and healthy."

"Congratulations! We'll give you three a minute." The doctor said as they walked out.

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