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Beth held the phone to her ear and waited for an answer. "Hi."

"Hi, Beth. What's up?" Quinn replied.

"I asked Daddy to invite you for dinner tomorrow." Beth said. "Will you come?"

"That's very sweet, B, but I..." Quinn trailed off, trying to think of an excuse to avoid Natalie again.

"Finn and Rachie and Tana and Britty can come, too." Beth added. "Please."

"Alright." Quinn gave in. "Tell your dad to text me what time, and we'll be there."

"Okay!" Beth exclaimed happily. "See you tomorrow!"

Beth shoved the phone at Puck as she walked away from the dining room table.

"Q?" Puck held the phone up to ear to see if the blonde hung up yet.

"Puck." Quinn replied.

"Nat won't be here." Puck informed Quinn. "Tell Santana that for me, please."

"I will." Quinn said. "See you tomorrow. Bye, Puck."

"Bye, Quinn." Puck replied as he hung up the phone.

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