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"There's an extra glass." Rachel noted after Puck and Natalie passed out the wine glasses.

"I'll take it." Santana and Puck said simultaneously.

"Puckerman, I swear." Santana glared at her friend across the table.

"That one's Quinn's." Natalie said as she sat beside Puck.

"Oh, I'm fine with water." Quinn replied from Puck's left side with a small smile.

"Why?" Natalie furrowed her eyebrow.

"I actually gave up drinking after I was over-served at a party last month." Quinn lied as she sipped her water bottle.

"And we match." Beth noted as she looked at Quinn.

Quinn nodded. "Yes we do."

"Oh. Well, wasn't it so sweet of Noah to host us all for dinner?" Natalie asked as she ran her hand up Puck's arm.

"All I did was order a few pizza pies because I didn't get enough groceries." Puck muttered.

"It was very sweet of you." Natalie said softly while looking into Puck's eyes and kissing him repeatedly.

Finn cleared his throat.

Santana stood up and glared at the girl. "You know what's not sweet? You inviting yourself to our dinner."

"Santana." Brittany frowned.

"I mean seriously." Santana went on. "That sounds like something tenth grade Berry would do."

"Hey!" Rachel frowned, but realized Santana was right and shrugged.

"And another thing: Puck is my best friend and you don't own him." Santana informed Natalie. "There are people at this table who don't wanna throw up at you shoving your tongue down his throat every time he swallows his food because you're insecure in your relationship. I dated him, Rachel dated him, and Quinn dated him, get over yourself."

The Latina sat down and smirked triumphantly at the pale expression on Natalie's face. She was shocked and stunned. No one at the table knew what to say and everyone bit their lips to hide their smiles.

As snarky and rude as Santana could be, she was a loyal friend. Even Brittany couldn't get mad at her for saying what was true.

Luckily, the doorbell rang and the pizza had arrived. Puck quickly got up to answer it. He paid and tipped the delivery boy before closing the front door again. He put the pizza pies on the table and looked at everyone when he sat down.

"Dig in."

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