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"Okay, B, come on." Puck said, offering her his hand.

Beth took Puck's hand and got out of the car. "Why are we at school, Daddy?"

"I wanna show you something." Puck explained as he looked at Quinn. "Need a hand, Q?"

"I got him." Quinn said, unbuckling the two-year-old and helping him out of the car. She grabbed her purse and the diaper bag before closing the car door.

Beth held Hudson's hand, and Puck took Quinn's hand, and the family of four headed to the field where Finn's tree was planted.

They stood in front of the tree. Quinn wiped tears away as she looked at the memorial stone with Finn's name on it.

"Coach Beiste planted this tree for Finn." Puck told Beth and Hudson. "Mommy didn't get to see it yet."

Beth frowned as tears filled her eyes.

Quinn wrapped her arms around Beth and held her as they looked at the stone and the tree.

Puck scooped Hudson up and put him on his hip. "Finn died before you were born, but he would've loved you, just like he loved Beth. And me and Mommy."

"Finn was a good guy." Quinn added, her voice shaky. "He did so much for us, and he helped me and Daddy find our way back to each other."

"Daddy." Beth said softly. "Can we help Hudson remember Finn?"

"I think that's a good idea, B." Puck smiled. "What do you remember about Finn?"

"Finn was really tall." Beth told Hudson as Puck put him down. "Taller than Daddy."

Quinn closed her eyes and laughed lightly.

"He liked to play the drums and he always smiled." Beth added, doing her best impression of Finn's signature half smile. "Like this."

Puck put his arm around Quinn and rubbed her back as Beth kept talking to Hudson.

"He really did lead us back to each other, huh?" Puck stated softly.

Quinn nodded. "I think it would've taken us a lot longer without his help."

"Do you think he knew we would end up like this?" Puck wondered.

"He knew." Quinn responded. "He knew since the day he found out Beth wasn't his."

Puck smiled slightly. "I love you, Quinn."

"I love you, too."

Monkeyface, Daddy, Daddy's Girlfriend, Mommy, And?Where stories live. Discover now