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When Puck got home, Finn and Rachel were eagerly waiting in the living room like parents about to ask their child about prom.

"How'd it go?" Finn wondered.

"Great. We got along well and we have a lot in common." Puck answered with a smile. "We're going out again next week."

"Did you kiss her? Did she kiss you? Where are you going next?" Finn asked excitedly.

Puck chuckled at his best friend's support and wonder. "Probably to get drinks. And she did kiss me."

Rachel glanced at Puck.

"What?" Puck asked.

"Nothing." Rachel shook her head.

"I didn't sleep with her or anything." Puck informed the brunette. "I'm not an animal."

"I didn't say you were." Rachel pointed out.

"Whatever you're not saying, say it." Puck ordered.

Rachel looked at Finn and then back at Puck. "Finn and I should go back to Mercedes'. We have plans in the morning. Goodnight, Noah."

"Thanks for watching-" Puck was interrupted by the slam of the front door upon Finn and Rachel's departure. "Beth."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow, wondering what Rachel's problem was. He headed upstairs and kissed sleeping Beth goodnight and went to bed.

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