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"Hey, Sarah." Puck said when his sister answered the phone. "Are you with Mom?"

"Yeah." Sarah said. "We just found out about Finn. I'm so sorry."

"Yeah, that's not why I'm calling." Puck responded. "Put me on speaker."

"You're on speaker." Sarah noted. "Say hi to Noah, Mom."

"Hi, Noah." Ruth responded. "We haven't heard from you since Beth's birthday."

"Hi." Puck repeated. "I know, and I'm sorry. I'm calling 'cause I wanted to make sure you heard this from me."

"Heard what?" Sarah asked.

"Quinn's pregnant." Puck told his mom and sister. "She just moved in with me and Beth."

Sarah and Ruth didn't say anything.

"The baby's a boy." Puck continued. "And he'll be here in October."

"October?" Ruth repeated. "Noah's that's three months away."

"I know." Puck said. "I found out recently, but we're excited and I just thought you should know."

"Congratulations." Sarah responded happily. "Tell Quinn, too."

"I will." Puck promised. "Thank you."

"Are you guys back together?" Sarah wondered.

"No." Puck replied. "We're not."

"Well, I'm happy for you guys. And Beth." Sarah stated.

"Me, too." Ruth added.

"Thanks." Puck said as his phone beeped with another call. "I have to go."

Puck hung up the phone and took the other call.

"Hey, Puck." Jake said.

"Hey, Jake." Puck responded.

"I heard about Finn and wanted to say sorry." Jake stated. "How are you doing?"

"I'm okay." Puck answered.

"That's good. I just wanted to make sure to check in." Jake said. "In case you needed anything."

"Quinn was in the car accident with Finn." Puck blurted.

"What?" Jake asked. "Nobody told me that. Is she okay?"

"She's okay." Puck nodded. "She just moved in with me and Beth today."

"Oh." Jake muttered. "I didn't realize you guys were together, but I'm glad she's okay."

"We're not together." Puck clarified. "She's pregnant. She told me last month, and he'll be here in October."

"Wow." Jake said. "Congrats, man."

"Thank you." Puck responded.

"Beth must be really excited." Jake noted.

"Yes, she is." Puck said. "We all are."

"Cool." Jake replied. "Well, I'm in Lima for the summer so if you need anything, call me, okay?"

"I will. Thanks, bro."

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