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Puck walked to the waiting room, where he found Beth, Santana, Brittany, Sam, and Mercedes.

"Daddy!" Beth exclaimed, running to greet Puck.

"Hey, B." Puck smiled as he picked her up and kissed her cheek before putting her on his hip.

"Any update?" Santana asked with a smile.

"Yeah, how's Quinn?" Brittany added.

"She's good. She did a really good job." Puck said with a grin. "The baby's big and healthy."

"Can we see them?" Mercedes asked.

"Quinn wants to see Beth first." Puck answered as he sat down.

"We can call Jake and Sarah, if you wanna take Beth in." Sam offered.

"Quinn needs, like, five minutes to calm down." Puck stated. "She's a little hormonal and overwhelmed, I think."

"Does he have a name?" Santana asked.

"Of course he has a name. His name is Puck." Brittany answered.

"The baby." Santana smiled as she squeezed Brittany's hand.

"We're gonna name him Hudson." Puck announced.

"That's so sweet." Mercedes smiled. "Congratulations to all three of you."

"Thank you." Puck smiled back.

"Are you excited about being a big sister, Beth?" Sam wondered.

Beth nodded. "Can I meet my brother now, Daddy?"

"Yeah, let's go." Puck decided as he stood up. "Thank you guys for being here. And Santana, thanks for getting me and Quinn here."

"Of course." Santana smiled. "Congrats, Puck."

"Thanks." Puck grinned as he carried Beth to Quinn's room. He slowly opened the door brought Beth into the room.

"Hi, Mommy."

"Hi, Beth." Quinn said with a sniffle as she wiped her eyes with a tissue.

"Are you crying?" Beth asked.

"I'm okay, B." Quinn promised with a smile. "Come meet your brother."

Puck seated Beth on the hospital bed next to Quinn.

"Can I hold him?" Beth asked.

Quinn looked at Puck.

Puck nodded, and Quinn carefully placed the baby in Beth's arms while Puck helped Beth hold him.

Puck watched the trio on the bed with a smile on his face.


"The baby's in the nursery, Beth's going home with Santana and Brittany, our moms and Sarah and Jake will come visit when we're ready for them, and everyone in the glee groupchat sends their love and congratulations." Puck noted as he pocketed his phone and sat down. "Can I get you anything?"

"I'm okay." Quinn promised. "Just tired and sore, but I'm okay."

"Okay." Puck echoed as he sat down.

"Noah." Quinn said softly.

"Q." Puck replied.

"Thanks for being here." Quinn muttered. "And for being so helpful and calming this entire pregnancy."

"Thanks for including me." Puck said.

Quinn grinned as she looked at Puck and put her hand out.

Puck took Quinn's hand and gently squeezed it.

"I wanna be a real, normal family. I wanna do lame things like wear matching pajamas and go on road-trips and stuff like that." Puck told Quinn.

"I wanna stay in L.A." Quinn smiled. "With you and our kids, if you'll have me."

"I think the reason it never works out with other people is because I've been in love with you for a long time." Puck added. "And I wanna be with you."

"I wanna be with you."

Monkeyface, Daddy, Daddy's Girlfriend, Mommy, And?Where stories live. Discover now