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"B, I need to talk to you."

Beth nodded and looked at Puck.

"Let's go sit down on the couch, okay?" Puck suggested, offering Beth his hand.

Beth took Puck's hand, and the pair sat down in the living room with Quinn.

"Before Mommy got here, there was a bad accident." Puck began nervously as he held Beth's hand.

"What kind of accident?" Beth wondered.

"Mommy was in a car accident." Puck answered.

Beth looked at Quinn.

"I'm okay, Beth." Quinn promised. "I'll be okay."

"Is my brother okay, too?" Beth asked.

"He is." Quinn nodded as she rubbed her hand over her baby bump.

"Okay, good." Beth smiled as she went to get up.

"B, wait." Puck requested. "That's not all."

Beth furrowed her eyebrow as she sat back down.

Puck looked at Quinn. "I..."

"I wasn't alone in the car accident." Quinn told Beth as she rubbed Puck's back comfortingly. "I was with Finn."

"Is Finn okay?" Beth questioned Quinn.

"No." Quinn said, shaking her head as tears filled her eyes. "Finn got very hurt."

Beth frowned. "Did the doctors fix him?"

"They couldn't." Quinn responded, her voice breaking. "They tried, but they couldn't save him. He went to Heaven to be with the angels."

Beth looked at Puck.

"I'm sorry, B." Puck said softly.

Beth's lip quivered and she quickly started crying.

"I'm so sorry, Monkeyface." Puck apologized as he pulled Beth into his arms and gently rocked her.


"Hey." Quinn said as she entered the kitchen. "Need a hand?"

"I got it." Puck replied. "You need anything?"

"I'm good." Quinn stated.

Puck nodded. "Hey, thanks for helping me talk to Beth earlier."

"Of course." Quinn nodded back. "How's she doing?"

"The idea of death is completely new to her." Puck shrugged. "She asked me if we could visit Heaven, and I had to tell her we can't."

Quinn bit her lip and exhaled slowly.

"She wants to come to Lima with me." Puck added. "Are you sure you're okay with that?"

"I'm sure." Quinn said.

"We're gonna fly out tonight then." Puck told Quinn. "You can't fly back to Lima with us?"

"As much as I wanna be with you and Beth and everyone, I can't." Quinn replied.

"Okay." Puck said. "Well, the services are tomorrow and the day after, so we'll fly back as soon as we can."

"I'll be fine." Quinn promised.

"If you need anything, call me and I'll come back." Puck requested.

"I'll be fine." Quinn repeated. "Go pack."

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