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"Noah." Quinn said softly as she hugged Puck.

"Q." Puck whispered as he held her.

Quinn rubbed Puck's back. "I'm so sorry."

Puck nodded as he and Quinn parted. "I'm glad you're here. You look good. How do you feel?"

"I don't know." Quinn shrugged as she wiped her eyes. "Are you okay? Is Beth okay?"

"I didn't tell her yet." Puck said.

"When you're ready, I'll be there for both of you." Quinn promised, taking Puck's hand.

"Thank you." Puck responded. He took a deep breath. "She's in the yard with Santana and Natalie, if you wanna go say hi while I put your bags upstairs."

"Okay." Quinn said. "Thanks."


After Quinn greeted Beth, Santana, and Natalie, she excused herself and went back inside.

"Hey." Quinn said as she knocked on the bedroom door.

"Hey." Puck repeated. "Your things are all here. Make yourself at home."

"Do you wanna talk?" Quinn offered.

Puck shook his head. "I'm okay."

"Maybe we should talk to Beth then?" Quinn suggested.

"I can't, Quinn." Puck exhaled as Natalie entered the room.

"What's going on?" Natalie asked.

"You should go, Nat." Puck stated as Quinn began going through her bags. "I have to take care of something with Beth."

Natalie glanced at Quinn. "Well, shouldn't I stay? I mean, I can help."

"Quinn's gonna unpack. You can help by leaving." Puck shook his head as he walked out of the room and headed back outside.

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