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The next morning, Puck got out of bed and got dressed before going downstairs. He checked his phone, hoping to have a text or a voicemail from Quinn, but he didn't.

Sighing, Puck put his phone away and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.


"Morning." Puck repeated as Natalie kissed his cheek. "I made breakfast. Help yourself."

"Help myself?" Natalie asked.

"Uh... yeah." Puck muttered, sitting down to eat.

"If I was Beth or Quinn, you'd get it for me." Natalie mumbled.

Puck looked at Natalie. "What did you say?"

"Nothing." Natalie replied as she grabbed a plate.

"Beth is a kid. My kid." Puck noted. "It's my job to take care of her. I'm her dad."

"Well, I might be her mom someday." Natalie smiled.

"No." Puck shook his head. "Quinn's her mom."

Natalie rolled her eyes and sat down. "Don't get me started on her. Is she back yet?"

"No, she's not." Puck said. "But while we're talking about Quinn, you need to leave her alone. You can't go through her shit, Nat."

"I didn't. I-"

"You're a liar." Puck interrupted as he got up. He grabbed his empty plate and Natalie's plate, taking it away from her. "You should go."

"Give me my plate, Noah." Natalie ordered.

"Go." Puck repeated. "Get out of here."

"You're really making me leave?" Natalie questioned Puck.

"You don't get to come into my house and disrespect my daughter or her mother." Puck hissed as he tossed the plate onto the counter. "Get the fuck out of here."

"Fine." Natalie said. "Good luck making this up to me."

Puck ignored Natalie and continued eating, even when he heard the front door slam. He started cleaning up the kitchen, pausing when he heard the front door open again.

"Didn't I tell you to get out of here?"

"I must've missed that." Santana responded as she entered the kitchen.

"Santana?" Puck furrowed his eyebrow. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you and Quinn." Santana answered. "To check in."

"Quinn's not at your place?" Puck asked.

"No." Santana said. "Why would she be?"

"Because we were arguing last night and she left." Puck stated. "She won't answer any of my calls or texts."

"I haven't seen her." Santana shook her head. "Maybe she's with Mercedes and Sam?"

"Maybe." Puck repeated. "You hungry?"

"I just ate." Santana responded. "You wanna tell me why Quinn left? Or why I saw your psycho girlfriend storming off?"

"Morning, Daddy."

Puck turned and smiled at Beth. "Morning, princess. How'd you sleep?"

Beth shrugged. "I miss Mommy. Are you still fighting?"

Santana gave Puck a look.

"We're not fighting, B." Puck insisted. "Did you say hi to Tana?"

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