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"Hey, Q, I need to talk to you about something." Puck called as he knocked on Quinn's door on Sunday night.

"Come in." Quinn called back.

Puck walked in and saw Quinn laying on the bed with her eyes closed and her hands resting on her belly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Quinn answered, exhaling slowly.

"Q." Puck said sternly.

"I'm fine." Quinn repeated. She opened her eyes and sat up. "What do you need?"

"Is it okay with you if I go to the studio tomorrow?" Puck asked. "I have a few meetings."

"I'm not due for two more weeks, Noah." Quinn stated. "It's fine."

"Thanks." Puck responded.

"Anything else?" Quinn wondered.

"I think we should pack the hospital bag tomorrow after I drop Beth off at school." Puck answered.

Quinn nodded. "I know what I wanna bring. I just hate packing."

"I know." Puck responded. "Tell me what you want and I'll grab it."

"No, I have to do it." Quinn noted as Beth entered her room. "Hey, little bee."

"Hi, Mommy." Beth smiled. "Can I give my brother a kiss?"

"Sure, B." Quinn nodded.

Beth tugged at Quinn's shirt and kissed her belly. She put her hand on Quinn's belly and pulled away as she looked at her parents.

"I felt that, too." Quinn told Beth.

Beth grinned and looked at Puck. "Daddy, you never told me how you picked my name."

"Well, we were in school and we had to sing songs by KISS or Lady Gaga." Puck began. "And I kept coming up with bad name ideas, so when I was looking for a song for my glee club assignment, I came across your song."

"And then what?" Beth wondered.

"And then I sang to Mommy and asked if we could name you Beth." Puck explained. "And I asked if I could be there when you were born. And Mommy said yes."

"Daddy, do you love Mommy?" Beth questioned Puck.

"Of course I love your mom." Puck answered. "Why don't you leave her belly alone and go pick out a movie, okay?"

"Okay!" Beth exclaimed as she kissed Quinn's belly one more time before running off.

Puck looked at Quinn. "Are you up for a movie?"

"Sure." Quinn nodded. "Noah, wait."

"What's up?" Puck asked.

"I know you've been to a lot of my doctor's appointments and you've seen him on the ultrasounds and stuff, but do you wanna feel him?" Quinn offered.

"Are you sure?" Puck wondered.

Quinn nodded and put one hand on her belly and reached her other hand out towards Puck. "Come here."

Puck joined Quinn on the bed and looked at her.

Quinn took Puck's hand and placed it on her baby bump, holding her hand over his.

"Baby Puck, Mommy and Daddy are both right here."

Monkeyface, Daddy, Daddy's Girlfriend, Mommy, And?Where stories live. Discover now