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"Way to go, Beth." Puck grinned as he picked his daughter up and kissed her cheek.

"What?" Beth furrowed her eyebrow as she squirmed in Puck's arms to be released.

"I got the digits." Puck smirked as he opened the car and put Beth in her car seat. He climbed in the driver's seat and headed home.

Beth had no idea what Puck was talking about and he planned to keep it that way. The girls he dated were usually a separate part of his life from Beth and he didn't want her to wonder what they were to her. Or get too attached to them in case things didn't work out.

When they got to their house, Puck grabbed the grocery bags and Beth before going inside.

"Do you want dinner?" Puck asked as he put the bags down.

"No." Beth shook her head. "Play time."

"We go through this every night, B. I'm gonna start cooking. No snacks." Puck told his daughter as he glanced at his phone. "Finn's in L.A., I'm gonna tell him to come over for dinner."

"And Rachie, too?" Beth grinned excitedly when Puck nodded to confirm it.

The Hudsons got to the Puckermans' twenty minutes later.

"It's good to see you guys." Puck greeted them. "Come in. Beth!"

Beth came running into the foyer and tackled Finn's leg with a hug.

"Hey, squirt." Finn smirked as he picked her up. "How's school?"

"School is almost over, Finn." Beth answered. "And then I'm gonna go to kindergarten."

"Not until September, B." Puck reminded Beth as he led everyone to the living room.

"Thanks for having us, Noah." Rachel smiled.

"Anytime, Berry." Puck responded. "What are you two doing in L.A.?"

"I have an audition coming up." Finn replied. "So I wanted to see my favorite little girl."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow. "I thought Berry was your favorite little girl?"

"Noah." Rachel clenched her jaw in annoyance.

"I'm teasing." Puck smiled as he looked at Finn. "You two seriously came here to see Beth?"

"We wanted to come see the little princess." Rachel responded.

"Oh stop." Puck teased as he pretended to be embarrassed.

"She means me, Daddy." Beth told her father.

"She's a smart one." Finn noted. "Reminds me of someone I went to high school with."

"Hey, Monkeyface, why don't you bring Rachel to your room and show her your new dolls?" Puck suggested.

Beth eagerly climbed off of Finn's lap and took Rachel's hand. "Come on, Rachie!" She squealed as she led the brunette upstairs.

"She's just like Quinn." Puck informed Finn when the girls were gone. "I see it everyday. She looks like her, but she's got that same Fabray attitude and personality, too. It's crazy."

"Have you spoken to her lately?" Finn wondered.

"Not since Santana's wedding." Puck said, shaking his head. "She's been busy with school, it's okay."

"You should give her a call." Finn suggested.

"No." Puck replied. "If she wants to talk or see me or Beth, she needs to call me."

"I spoke to her the other day. She said you two got in a fight?" Finn raised his eyebrow.

Puck nodded. "When we were hooking up in January, she asked to see Beth, but I wanna explain everything to her first."

"She's ready for that?" Finn asked.

"Yeah." Puck said. "And, uh, I kind of got this cute girl's number today."

"Good job, man. You still got it." Finn slapped his friend on the back. "Call her up."

"Didn't you just tell me to call Quinn?" Puck questioned Finn.

"A guy can change his mind." Finn replied. "Go call her."

Puck got up and obeyed Finn instead of arguing for once.


"We have a date tomorrow night." Puck announced as he sat back down. "Are you around to watch Beth?"

"Yeah." Finn nodded and looked at Beth and Rachel on the stairs. "We're babysitting Beth tomorrow night, Rach."

"We are?" Rachel asked as she and Beth joined the men on the couch.

"Puck has a d-a-t-e." Finn spelled out as he smirked at his wife.

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