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"Santana." Puck answered his phone. "I'm at work. What's up?"

"I'm with Quinn." Santana informed Puck. "She called you, like, six times."

"Six?" Puck repeated. "What the hell? Is she okay?"

"We're on the way to the hospital." Santana added. "You gotta meet us there."

"Pick me up on the way." Puck ordered. "I'll call Mercedes to get Beth from school. Let me talk to Quinn."

Puck waited while he heard the phone shuffle.

"Hi, Puck." Quinn said as she put the phone to her ear.

"Q, I'm sorry I missed your calls. I just got out of a meeting." Puck explained. "I'll be there, I promise."

"It's okay." Quinn told Puck. "Don't worry."

"How are you doing?" Puck asked her. "How far are the contractions?"

"I don't know." Quinn answered.

"You don't know?" Puck questioned her.

"I don't know." Quinn repeated. "I haven't timed them."

"Quinn!" Puck exclaimed. "I don't want you having the baby in the car!"

"I won't." Quinn said as she started to cry.

"How far are they?" Puck asked again.

"I told you. I don't know." Quinn whined as she wiped her eyes.

"Q, don't cry. It's gonna be okay." Puck promised.

"Then don't yell at me!" Quinn exclaimed.

Puck heard the phone shuffle again.

"Puck, you're freaking her out." Santana scolded. "We're almost at the studio. Come outside and wait for us."

"Ask her if she wants to stay on the phone." Puck said.

"She's a little busy." Santana noted. "We'll see you in a few minutes."


Puck hung up the phone and headed down the hall.

"Puckerman, where are you going?"

"I gotta go. Quinn's having the baby today. Like, right now."

Puck walked out of the building and waited outside. He smiled when he saw Santana's car pull into the parking lot.

"Quinn." Puck stated as he climbed in the back and took her hand while Santana continued speeding to the hospital. "I'm sorry, Q. I'm here now."

"I forgot to call my mom." Quinn moaned in pain as another contraction hit her.

"I texted her and my mom." Puck told Quinn. "And Jake and Sarah."

"Thank you." Quinn said softly as she opened her eyes. "Are we almost there?"

"Almost." Puck nodded. "You're doing great, babe. Just breathe."

Quinn closed her eyes again and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly through her mouth.

"Good." Puck said as he rubbed Quinn's back.

"Santana?" Quinn asked.

"We're pulling into the parking lot now." Puck informed Quinn. "Santana, drop us off at the doors."

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