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"Just the three of us." Puck sighed as he closed the front door after his friends departed. Beth headed upstairs to get changed into her pajamas.

"What the hell was that about?" Natalie demanded.

"What are you talking about?" Puck wondered.

"You didn't stand up for me." Natalie stated. "And you act different around them. Especially Quinn."

"I'm not fighting with you about Quinn." Puck shook his head.

"Do you have feelings for her?" Natalie asked as she folded her arms.

"She's Beth's mom." Puck reminded his girlfriend. "I'll always care about her."

"Choose me or her." Natalie ordered.

"I can't do that." Puck responded.

"Because you have feelings for her." Natalie concluded.

"Because she's pregnant." Puck corrected Natalie.

Natalie didn't say anything. She looked at Puck and started laughing. She couldn't stop laughing.

"Nat?" Puck furrowed his eyebrow and looked at her. He grabbed her arms and rubbed them.

"You're serious?" Natalie asked calmly. She was so quiet, Puck was nervous.

Puck nodded. "About five months."

"And you're the..." Natalie trailed off.

Puck nodded again. "I don't think she wants my help though."

"Good." Natalie smiled happily, thinking she won.

"Good?" Puck looked at her. "I told her to move in here. She can see Beth more, and I'll be here for her if she needs me."

Natalie shook her head. "No way. I won't allow it."

Puck shrugged. "Well, that's her choice to make."

"As your girlfriend, I forbid you to allow another woman to live in your house." Natalie hissed.

"It's not another woman, it's Quinn. She's pregnant with my kid and I owe her some help." Puck told Natalie. "Besides, she might not even say yes."

Natalie folded her arms and glared at Puck. "I have to get home. Let me know when she makes a decision."

"Nat, wait." Puck said as he grabbed her hands. She pulled away and gathered her things before leaving.


"B." Puck said softly. "Are you still awake?"

"Uh huh." Beth replied sleepily.

"Can I come in?" Puck asked. "I wanna talk to you about something."

"Okay." Beth nodded as she sat up.

Puck sat down on the edge of Beth's bed and looked at her. "Do you remember when you asked me why Mommy was wearing a sweater today?"

"Yeah." Beth said.

"I told you she's not used to the weather here, but it's more than that." Puck continued. "Mommy was trying to hide her belly."

Beth furrowed her eyebrow and looked at Puck.

"Mommy is getting a big belly because in a few months, we're gonna have a baby." Puck explained. "You're gonna be a big sister."

"Really?" Beth smiled. "Like Fiona from school?"

"Yeah." Puck smiled back. "You're gonna have a little sister or a little brother."

"A brother?" Beth repeated. "I want a sister, Daddy."

"It doesn't work that way, Monkeyface." Puck chuckled. "But we'll see."

"Okay." Beth said.

"Does that sound good to you?" Puck questioned Beth. "Being a big sister?"

"Yeah." Beth nodded excitedly.

Puck laughed lightly. "I'm glad, B. Try to get some sleep now, okay? But if you ever wanna talk or ask us any questions, you can."

"Okay." Beth responded. "Night, Daddy."

"Night, princess. I love you."

Monkeyface, Daddy, Daddy's Girlfriend, Mommy, And?Where stories live. Discover now