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"Hey, Nat." Puck smiled as he kissed his girlfriend's cheek.

"Hey, baby." Natalie grinned as she glanced at Quinn and then kissed Puck's lips. "I brought something for dinner. I couldn't come empty-handed."

"You shouldn't have come at all." Santana mumbled. Brittany elbowed her wife and glanced at Rachel.

"So, Natalie, why don't you and I get glasses and pour that wine you brought?" Rachel suggested.

"That's a great idea, Berry." Puck gave her a look of gratitude. "Q, you wanna go see where Beth disappeared to?"

"Santana and I will find Beth." Brittany said as she squeezed the Latina's hand and dragged her away. Rachel and Natalie went to the kitchen, leaving Quinn and Finn alone with Puck.

Finn, Quinn, and Puck began setting the dining room table.

"So, how are things?" Finn asked his best friends.

"I already told him." Quinn muttered.

"Oh, good." Finn said with relief. "Now everybody knows."

"Not Natalie." Puck stated. "Not yet. I'll talk to her after dinner."

"I already told you, you don't need to wreck things with her because of this." Quinn replied as she put the napkins on the table and walked into the living room.

"Is there a reason she doesn't want me helping?" Puck questioned Finn.

"I-I don't know." Finn stuttered.

"Finn." Puck gave him a look.

"Alright, fine, but you can't tell any of the others. Only Santana and I know this." Finn started.

"Baby!" Natalie called from the kitchen. "Can you help me and Rachel with the wine glasses?"

"Be right there!" Puck called back. He looked at Finn for a quick explanation.

"Her mom wants her to settle down in New York or L.A. with the baby." Finn said quietly. "She wants her away from Lima, but still near people she knows. When Quinn told us, Rachel offered to have her move in until she's ready to get her get her own place with-"

"Why does she want her to settle down somewhere?" Puck wondered.

"Judy has this idea that Quinn will be stuck in Lima or New Haven on her own if she doesn't leave now." Finn stated.

"Do I let her go to New York?" Puck asked. "I mean, what would you do?"

"Well, Quinn's been doing a good job hiding her belly, so I would hold off on telling Natalie for now." Finn advised Puck. "If Quinn's mind is set on New York, let her go there. You have to think of Beth, too."

Puck nodded. "I know, I know, but Quinn's not just some random girl. We have all that history and-"

"Baby! Wine glasses!" Natalie exclaimed.

"Coming!" Puck said. He rolled his eyes as he went to the kitchen.

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