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"You're starting to freak me out." Puck noted when he and Santana were alone in the kitchen. "What's going on?"

"You should sit down." Santana advised Puck.

Puck sat down and looked at Santana.

Santana sat down beside Puck and took his hand. She inhaled slowly. "There was a car accident last night."

"A car accident?" Puck repeated. "Is Brittany okay?"

"Britt's fine." Santana promised. "The car accident was in New York."

"I'm calling Quinn." Puck decided as he got up. "Where the hell is my phone?"

"Quinn is fine." Santana promised as she got up and grabbed Puck's hand again. "Listen to me. It's Finn."

"What?" Puck asked.

"He and Quinn got in a car accident last night." Santana explained. "Quinn is fine. She had back pain so they kept her at the hospital overnight to monitor her and the baby, but she's home now and she's okay. But Finn..."

"No." Puck said, shaking his head. "No, he..."

"I'm sorry, Puck." Santana apologized. "Rachel just called me and asked me to tell you."

"I'm calling Quinn." Puck screamed. "Where the hell is my phone?"

"Baby?" Natalie asked as she entered the kitchen. "Everything okay?"

"What'd you do with my phone?" Puck demanded.

"Here." Natalie said as she handed it to Puck.

"I'll go keep an eye on Beth." Santana decided, excusing herself to the backyard.

"What's going on?" Natalie wondered as Puck scrolled through his phone.

"I have to go make a phone call." Puck muttered as he walked away. He went upstairs and locked himself in his room while he dialed Quinn's number.

"Noah." Quinn answered the phone call.

"Santana just told me what happened." Puck responded. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but Finn's gone." Quinn responded, her voice breaking.

"I know." Puck said.

"It's my fault." Quinn stated. "He was taking me to the airport and someone slammed into the side of the car and-"

"It's not your fault, Q." Puck interrupted. "I'm glad you and the baby are okay."

"Me, too." Quinn said softly.

"Did you talk to Rachel?" Puck wondered.

"Yeah, Kurt and Carole are making arrangements, and Rachel's gonna let us all know." Quinn explained. "I wasn't sure what to do, but they convinced me."

"What?" Puck asked.

"I wanted to tell you in person, but I decided to take you up on your offer to move in for a while." Quinn clarified. "But when Carole, Kurt, Rachel, and Burt saw me in the hospital, they encouraged me to go. They said it's what he would want for me."

"Is it what you want, Q?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"It is."

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